Lehighton accepting bids for upper park project
Lehighton is accepting bids for its Upper Park Improvements project.
The borough will accept sealed bids online via the PennBid Program until 10 a.m. May 2.
A prebid meeting was held Thursday at Lehighton Borough Hall.
Earlier this month, the borough decided to bid out the project.
The borough has received funding from the Commonwealth Financing Authority for improvements to the park, which is used for concerts, movies and other community events.
Funding in the amount of $150,000 was received from the Greenways, Trails and Recreation Program for improvements to the Upper Park Amphitheater, as well as $200,000 from the Multimodal Transportation Funds for streetscape and pedestrian improvements to the streets around the upper park.
Planned improvements include new park lighting, sidewalks, ADA accessibility, stormwater improvements and pedestrian improvements consistent with the lower park.
The work includes the removal of existing concrete sidewalk and asphalt; along with the installation of E&S controls, asphalt paving, concrete sidewalk, curb and pads, ADA ramps, topsoil, stone repointing, bluestone pavers, sections of concrete sidewalk, concrete curb, excavation for electrical site lighting and other related site work.