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West End news for May 1, 2019

Published May 01. 2019 12:22PM

Free smoke alarms

National Sound The Alarm has the American Red Cross installing free smoke alarms from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday in the areas of Chestnuthill, Polk and Eldred townships in the Kunkletown mailing area.

Residents can still sign up for free smoke alarm installations for Saturday by calling the American Red Cross hotline at 570-234-2705.

If the residents are unavailable on that date and time, the American Red Cross can schedule an appointment at a later date, according to Grace Palmer, Volunteer Recruitment Specialist, American Red Cross, Eastern Pennsylvania Region of the American Red Cross, in the Stroudsburg office.

Eldred Supervisors

The Eldred Township Board of Supervisors meeting for tonight has been canceled. The next meeting of the Board of Supervisors will be at 7 p.m. May 15.

Men’s group meets

Our Lady Queen of Peace Men’s group meets at 6:30 p.m. the first and third Wednesday of the month in Room 116.

All men 18 and older are welcome.

WEHA meeting

The West End Home Association will meet at 7:30 tonight at the Post home in Gilbert.

Art opening

Monroe County Conservation District’s Kettle Creek Environmental Education Center is having an art opening for Ruth Bush’s Breath of Fresh Air today. It will run through May 30.

An opening reception will be held at 11 a.m. Saturday.

Ruth is attracted to the organic quality of natural elements and incorporates them into her abstracts. She chooses to paint her subjects from nature in an impressionistic fashion.

For more information, call the Kettle Creek Environmental Education Center at 570-629-3061. For more information on other programs we offer, visit the website

Day of Prayer

The Southern Pocono Missions Cluster, of which St. Peter’s United Methodist, Effort United Methodist, Neola United Methodist and McMichaels United Methodist churches are a part, invite the community to The National Day of Prayer service today.

It will be held at St. Peter’s United Methodist Church at 7 p.m. with Pastor Todd Glasmire bringing the message.

St. Peter’s United Methodist Church is located at 924 Route 115, Saylorsburg, next to the Dollar General.

Band parents

Pleasant Valley band parents are scheduled to meet at 7 p.m. Thursday.

Monroe OES

The Monroe County OES chapter 999 will hold a meeting at 7 p.m. Thursday at the Rimrock Masonic Center on Rimrock Drive. It will include the regular order of business and the installation of officers.

Current dues cards will be checked at the door of the chapter.

Legion meeting

American Legion Post 927 will meet at 7:30 p.m. Thursday at the Post Home in Gilbert.

The Legion is celebrating its 100th anniversary. The Legion is selling both men’s and women’s support T-shirts. They are now available at the Legion in Gilbert.

In addition, the Legion is hosting a Kentucky Derby Run for the Roses from 2 to 8 p.m. May 4.

Spring sale

Middlecreek Christian Church, on Dorshimer Road, Kresgeville, will hold its spring rummage and bake sale from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Friday and Saturday.

A bag sale will be held between noon and 2 p.m. on Saturday. Call 570-629-4066 for more information and directions. Breakfast and lunch are offered during the sale for an additional cost.

RSVP help

The Retired and Senior Volunteer Program at 570-420-3747 is seeking immediate volunteers for a project in the Kunkletown area that will take place from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Saturday. Volunteers are needed in the following capacities: Documentarian to ensure that all procedures are performed correctly; help families design an emergency escape plan; installers of 10-year smoke detectors provided by the Red Cross; helpers to hand out refreshments or assist installers.

The RSVP office is located at 411 Main St. Suite 102B Stroudsburg. Teams will meet in Chestnuthill.

Free yard sale

Ross Township has designated Saturday as its permit-free yard sale. It is from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. There is no rain date.

The township leadership wishes everyone a successful day.

Eldred cleanup

Eldred Township is having a cleanup day for its residents from 8:30 a.m. to noon on Saturday.

There will be dumpsters at the Municipal Building, in the rear, for large items such grills, mattresses, old lawn furniture, etc. and tire collection for recycling with one cost for car tires and another for truck tires.

Electronics recycling will begin on May 1 and continue until Sept. 27. Bring acceptable items to the rear of the building. There will be pallets there to leave recyclables.

In addition, the township is seeking volunteers for litter collection on township roads. Volunteers will meet at the municipal building at 8:30 a.m. and be assigned to a group and a road. Light refreshments will be provided.

Later, the road crew will pick up the bags of litter for disposal.

Volunteers are sorely needed. Call Ann at 610-381-4252 to register.

Services fair

The Pleasant Valley Ecumenical Network is hosting a Community Services Information Fair from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday at its location on Route 209 in Sciota.

Many organizations will be present to give out their respective information on services rendered and requirements needed, ranging from The Alzheimer’s Association, Family Promise, Habitat for Humanity to Monroe County Master Gardeners, Sweet Home Primary Care and Women’s Resources of Monroe County.

The U.S. Census Bureau is hiring in the area, and gather all kinds of information while being entertained by The Notre Dame Jazz and Rock Band.

For more information, call 570-992-3136.

Chicken barbecue

Effort UMC is hosting its spring chicken barbecue dinner from 1 to 7 p.m., unless sold out before 7 p.m., on Saturday.

The church is both air-conditioned and elevator accessible.

The dinner includes half a barbecued chicken, mashed potato and corn; fresh homemade coleslaw or applesauce; gravy, roll and butter; coffee, tea and cold beverages, and fresh homemade desserts.

The children’s meal, for youngsters from 5 to 12, includes, ¼ barbecued chicken and costs half of the adult meal. Children 4 and under may eat for free.

The church can be reached at 570-629-1890.

Spaghetti dinner

Zion Lutheran in Brodheadsville is holding a spaghetti dinner and silent auction from 3:30 to 7 p.m. Saturday.

Holy Communion

McMichaels UMC will offer its once-a-month Holy Communion this Sunday at the 9 a.m. worship service.

Salem-St. Paul’s Lutheran, Kresgeville, will offer Holy Communion at the 8:15 and 10:30 a.m. services.

At 11:40 the church will hold a congregational meeting, and at 2:30 p.m. it will be part of the Pocono Mission District Spring Assembly.

SAL meeting

The Sons of the American Legion will hold its monthly meeting at 10:30 a.m. Sunday at the American Legion in Gilbert.

Polk historical

The Polk Township Historical Society will meet at 7 p.m. Monday at the Polk Township Municipal Building in Kresgeville. Everyone is invited to attend the meetings, and new members are always welcome. For additional information, call Pat at 610-681-8984.

In addition, the Polk Township Historical Society will hold its annual yard sale on from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. May 10 and May 11 at the Polk Township Municipal Building in Kresgeville.

Donations of clean, usable items will be accepted and greatly appreciated on May 8 and May 9 after 9 a.m. and during the sale on Friday and Saturday at the Municipal Building. For additional information, call Pat at 610-681-8984.

Ross supervisors

The Ross Township Board of Supervisors meets at 7 p.m. the first Monday of the month at the Ross Township Municipal Building on Anchorage Road in Saylorsburg.

Blood drives

An American Red Cross blood drive is being held at the Northampton Community College on Route 715 from 3 to 7 p.m. Tuesday.

The American Legion Post 927 will be hosting one May 16, at the Legion Post Home in Gilbert from 1:30 to 6:30 p.m.

Legion Auxiliary

The Legion Auxiliary will hold its monthly meeting at 7 p.m. on May 8 at the Legion Post Home in Gilbert.

Birding program

Pocono Avian Research Center has invited people for a morning of migration Birding in the Bog beginning at 7 a.m. These morning birding programs will continue on May 8 and May 15.

Sign up for one or all; there is always something new and amazing to discover in the bog. There is a cost. Preregistration is required.

To preregister, call the center at 570-629-3061, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and most Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. For more information on other programs offered, visit

Postal food drive

May 11, it is the National Association of Letter Carriers Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive.

West Enders can join in that day in impacting local hunger as, according to Karen Mazurkiewicz, Strategic Communications USPS - Central PA and Western NY Districts in Buffalo NY, when food is left, the carriers get it to local food banks.

Roosevelts’ tea time

On May 16, at 6:30 p.m., The Heritage Center of the Western Pocono Community Library will host Tea Time with Franklin and Eleanor.

Bill Stavey will present a presentation on the life of FDR and his wife, Eleanor, in the Community Room of the Library on Pilgrim Way. Light refreshments will be served.

Due to the limited seating, preregistration is required for the presentation on the life of FDR and his wife, Eleanor.

Contact the library at 570-992-7934 to reserve a seat.

Farm Frolic

Quiet Valley will celebrate its 31st Farm Animal frolic on May 18,19, 25 and 26.

She Nailed It

Individual ladies are encouraged to compete in She Nailed It!, a Monroe County Habitat for Humanity fundraiser set for noon to 8 p.m. at Memorytown in Mount Pocono, May 19.

For more information, including registration costs, contact Habitat at 570-216-4390 or visit the website MCHFH’s mission is for every person in Monroe County to have a safe, decent place to live.

Contact Adele Argot at 717-933-4028 or Contact the Times News at 800-443-0377 or

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