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Student’s family swings back at media

Published May 06. 2019 11:59AM

Park Hills is an active community located in the tranquil rolling hills of northern Kentucky.

“Residents and business owners take pride in great civic features: Green spaces, historic homes, and local events,” its website states.

Covington Catholic High School, whose motto is “building minds, living faith,” is an integral part of that close-knit community.

“We foster an environment of educational excellence and equip young men with a set of spiritual and moral values to become strong Christian leaders and models of our Catholic faith,” the school’s mission statement proclaims. “We encourage respect for others and service to the community.”

In a few weeks, Covington seniors will graduate, taking the spiritual and moral values they learned at the school outside its walls. Last January, however, a number of the Covington students experienced some of the pitfalls of the outside world. Through no fault of their own, they were thrust into the national spotlight by a biased media while visiting the Washington, D.C., for a pro-life march.

A shortened news video of students interacting with others outside the Lincoln Memorial went viral, and some large liberal media outlets, without fact-checking, determined that the students were racists and instigating a conflict. A determining factor for the negative hype may have been the Donald Trump-inspired “Make America Great Again” baseball caps some of the students were wearing.

Students said that they sought chaperones’ permission to perform school chants to drown out the noise from a group of black “Hebrew Israelites” who were yelling racial epithets and other vulgarities at them.

One student in particular — Nicholas Sandmann — became a media target. The video shows him smiling while Nathan Phillips, a Native American activist, beats a drum and chants while standing in front of Sandmann. Some in the media somehow interpreted this as Sandmann taunting and harassing the Native American elder.

NBC’s Savannah Guthrie helped paint Sandmann as an instigator. Guthrie ignored Sandmann’s explanation that he received death threats and was simply exercising his first amendment right to freedom of assembly. Instead she fired leading questions, including: “Do you feel from this experience that you owe anybody an apology?” and “Do you see your own fault, in any way?”

Sandmann answered that he was not disrespectful to Philips — that he respected him and would like to talk to him. He said he wished the whole thing could have been avoided but that he wasn’t sorry for standing there and listening to Phillips.

The Sandmann family has fired back through legal channels, claiming Nicholas was smeared by the media, leading to verbal abuse, including threats and cyberbullying. On Feb. 20, the family sued The Washington Post for $250 million, which is the amount of money Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos paid for the newspaper in 2013.

“The members of the mob who falsely attacked or threatened Nick Sandmann should be on notice that his attorneys will identify them and will take aggressive legal action against them to achieve full accountability for their wrongdoing and willful mistreatment of this young man,” stated attorney L. Lin Wood.

Last week, attorneys announced that NBCUniversal and MSNBC are also being sued for $275 million.

“The journey for justice for Nicholas Sandmann & for media accountability continues,” Wood tweeted. “False accusers should not rest easy.”

Robert Barnes, another attorney who has offered to represent the Covington students pro bono, tweeted a stark warning to the liberal outlets who portrayed some students as racists: “This is libel. Retract, or get sued.”

History shows that routinely suing media companies for libel is not a good thing. The liberal media needs to be held accountable, however, when they defame innocent teenagers and target them as objects of hatred through their biased, inept reporting.

By Jim Zbick |

Just the statement, "Liberal News Media" should make anyones skin crawl. News must be unbiased. To chase an agenda through making up news ought to be unheard of in America. but it's not.
The real story would be, just who are black “Hebrew Israelites”, and what was their part in all this? Hatred abounded, and it was against Christian Teens. The News media stoked up "Hate Speech". Sew them for all they've got.
The suits will be tossed out unless they can prove WAPO et al intentionally sought to do harm by knowingly manufacturing a story.

Were you upset when Foxnews described Obama fist bumping his wife as a “terrorist fist jab”?
Deflecting again?
I considered Both Barack and Michelle terrorists in one form or another. Obama is the least known POTUS we've ever elected. What I know of him, brings on terror for me. What is fist bumping? That sounds like another made up phrase.
The WAPO will loose, one way or another, on this one, we'll see.
the reporting was accurate, the students were disrespectful to that man and racist in their interactions (tomahawk chopping for example). The Israelites certainly were out of line but that had nothing to do with how those students treated the native Americans. For context, this is a school that has had past issues with racism and intimidation.

It sounds like to me you might have a little problem with the Obama’s race. Make no mistake, you might disagree with Obama but he has 1000x’s more integrity and ethics than trump. Obama actually goes to church and doesn’t have to read the Lord’s Prayer. Obama wasn’t commiting adultery with a stripper at the same time his wife was caring for their newborn. He’s had 1 wife and she has never accused him of raping her. Obama’s foundation is still operating and hasn’t been shut down by the AG for fraud. I respect him even though I didn’t vote for him.
Come on Joe. Is this from a Romney & McCain voter? President Obama hurt America. He was a community organizer that wanted to alter the structure of America. Watch as the Obama underworld gets revealed one layer at a time. Obama weaponized the IRS, the FBI, the CIA, the voting booth, the medical system, the judicial system, and beyond. Just wait and see. Here we go with the “race card” hollow argument, again. You have no valid position except that. That and fake morality. The Mueller Report was a fraud. It destroyed lives that were innocent. Where do you stand on the morality of that? You have tremendous gaps of knowledge and understanding.
Ah Dr Rambo. I want to get a “doctorate in military leadership”. Where can I enroll?

Calling Obama a terrorist is wrong and His morality is far above Trump. We can debate policy but when it comes to which President was the more moral leader, there is no debate.
Just what is the morality level of a community organizer? How about Reverend Wright...GD America? You hate President Trump so much you won’t even give Hume credit for anything. Your dream is to destroy him any way. Who are you, Joe, to assign moral evaluations on people?
Come on Joe, you obviously didn't see the full video. The only ones with respect were the students. Who were those mean spirited "Hebrews", who were spewing all that hate speech?
Hey Joe... What in any of my comments, would lead a sane mind to think I have issue over skin pigment? You are an idiot!
The race card always comes out from you idiots when you have nothing else. You are an idiot.
I think Jesus would even agree Joe.
All the same, enjoy your day.
Unless you were under a rock, race, especially for the tea party, was a major issue for many of obama’s detractors. I’m wondering if you have the same issue.

Anyway, the context is a high school where students dress in blackface and have had well publicized racial intimidation concerns at basketball games. Tomahawk chopping to a Native American is not respectful.
Come on Joe,
Pulling out the race card against this TEA Party member is inaccurate, disrespectful, and a card that no longer works. I don't measure a man based on skin or level of education, but you seem to. I don't see color, I see souls. But there are many among the progressive left who not only see color, but they see color tone... not black enough.
Hey, just to catch you up...
Nathan Phillips has a history of lying. He stated he was a "Vietnam-era" veteran, it was confirmed, Phillips was not deployed to Vietnam at any time during his military service. get the full story Joe.
Phillips and his group that approached the teens, they didn't approach him. What made drummer boy go over to the teens? Hats. Because a few had MAGA hats on. You never Trump folks even find issue in a simple little red hat. Ha Ha Ha Ha, you folks crack me up!
The TEA Party has nothing to do with race. Taxed Enough Already is a group of loyal Americans united by fiscal responsibility & Patriotism. Come on Joe. You display tremendous gaps in knowledge and understanding.
Also, the American Indian drum beater was the offender. He advanced toward kids with a drum held up to their face and banged the drum right in their face. The kids showed incredible restraint. Restraint especially commendable with the insults being directed toward the kids in the vicinity. MAGA is not a target for Liberals to assault. Let’s take it to court Joe. Half knowledge = no knowledge
Come on Joe!!! The author of that Op-Ed is a political science professor. Her name is Angie Maxwell.

The Washington Free Beacon had this to say about the professor...
NBC’s Cherry-Picked Hillary Clinton Expert, Professor Angie Maxwell: Clinton 'Most Qualified Person in History'
Joe, the author of your only find thinks Hillary Clinton is "The most qualified person in history". Bwah ha ha ha you crack me up!
You know nothing about the TEA Party. You are uninformed, and you speak like you have ultimate wisdom. You must have a PHD. Hit the road you disrespecting moron.
I am planted on Bible, Bill of Rights, Constitution, and when I can get out of the way... God's Holy Spirit guides me. The mass of America refuses to stand for something, and continue to fall for anything.
How would you know, even if he was? You wear blinders and drink from the same trough day after day. He's far closer to walking in the light than the last President. Obama is a humanist, and worships self. On tax returns... Obama had no problem sharing his tax returns, he never really generated income.
Blah blah, another holier than thou hypocrite, always wearing his religion on his sleeve for everyone to see. Though shall not steal, Trump did. Thou shall not covet thy neighbors wife, Trump did, thou shall not bare false witness (lie) Trump did 10,000 times in 2 years, and on and on. Your Dear Lover trump the orange puke stain on America has violated almost all of the 10 commandments yet you drool over the pampered draft dodger racist like a smitten teenager. You don't walk with Christ, you do bow before and adore the anti-christ and if there is universal justice, you and all your America isn't great commie red hat wearing racists will burn forever in Hell. Please all you America hating Trump lovers just die off like the dinosaurs, then America will be greater than ever once your reptilian minds have turned to dust.
Don't get mad, I said please.
Are you serious Joe? You are further behind than what I thought. The law suits are certainly legitimate. CNN and others will be paying out...big time. The students showed remarkable restraint. Watch the whole video. Liberals tried to make hay of this for days. Where is your morality now? The ends justify the means, right? All that weighs against a “fist bump”. Are you serious? You display tremendous gaps in understanding and knowledge.
And the bill of rights protects you right to call me that. It also protects the free press and we should all be thankful. The suits have no merit and they know it. You cannot sue for libel even when the press gets the story wrong. You have to prove malice and conspiracy and that will never happen in this case.
There is a journalistic responsibility to tell the truth. That is a wide twisted road. However, when fake accusations and blasphemy occurs for day after day, that is wrong. Fake news organizations broadcast wrong information on purpose to destroy American citizens. You are wrong if you agree with this. The courts will side with the students. You just wait and see.
Well if you're not a total hypocrite then you should be chanting lock them up outside Fox News headquarters but as said the key word describing most Dear Lover trump sheep is HYPOCRITE and no one shows it better than the fake hero namesake ramboo.
Just another Deviant Republican family of animals deflecting blame.
Smoke, mirrors and deviance.
Watch all the available video, and you discover the teenager was the only adult there. The smoke and mirrors flows out of the news source from which most Americans get their news.
Nice to see you're up and about, enjoy the day.

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