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Left feeling betrayed

Published May 07. 2019 01:30PM

First let me say that I am a 73-year-old woman who has never felt compelled to write to my local newspaper. I never even wrote to my government representatives. Now I think if I don’t put this in writing I will explode. I do not do Facebook or Twitter. Email is the extent of my social media experience. So, you will be my sounding board.

For two years we have watched as Donald Trump systematically and deliberately tried to destroy the Republic we hold so dear. He has dared us to make him obey the laws of this country.

Like naughty children we have been closed in our room, isolating us from our friends and allies. He has aligned us with some of the most brutal countries on earth. All this, and more, he has done with the blessing and protection of the Republican Party.

Now we see that our Justice Department is protecting him as well. So, what do we the people do? We elect Democrats to the House in the hopes that they will protect us.

Imagine our surprise when the leader of the Democratic Party tells us that Trump isn’t worth impeaching. For the love of all that is holy, how much further must we be sucked into the cesspool of Donald Trump’s life before he becomes impeachable?

When will someone in Washington do the right thing and not the party thing? Is there no shame left? Are there no ethics? We feel irrelevant and betrayed. We are waiting!

Thank you for letting me vent. My husband appreciates it.

Linda Maguire

Penn Forest Township

Mrs Maguire, all do respect but I suggest you stop watching CNN every night or whatever your news outlet happens to be. Just a few points;
"Donald Trump systematically and deliberately tried to destroy the Republic we hold so dear"
Your words. Destroy what exactly? The economy? More jobs out there than any time in decades. Record employment across the board. Re wrote and simplified taxes for most, not all, most. Reduced gov't regulations. Strengthened the military. GDP growth not seen in years.
Re wrote trade deals bringing jobs back to the US.
"He has dared us to make him obey the laws of this country." Not sure what you mean here, Do you really believe that after the past two plus years of investigation by democrats that have found nothing, he is just willy nilly breaking the law? examples please?
"He has aligned us with some of the most brutal countries on earth" Negotiated with, not aligned, you know just like Obama did.
"We elect Democrats to the House in the hopes that they will protect us" Protect us by destroying the healthcare system? How about rolling back the tax cuts? Or maybe legalizing full term abortion. And oh, don't forget the Green new deal, that's all about a carbon tax, just wait till the dems get that through. Tax on everything, look it up.
And then there's impeachment. On what grounds exactly? He's pompous, arrogant? sorry, not grounds. Maybe his orange hair? nope. Fortunately not liking your president is not grounds for impeachment. Did you ever think about the other half of the country during the Obama years?
Contrary to what you may think there were many unhappy people for those 8 years, and the 8years before that! Come on Hillary supporters, get over it, she lost. And you can't actually believe she would've done a better job? What qualifications? And when will she get the 2 year investigation? There are many skeletons in the Clinton closet!!!
And your last comment, "When will someone in Washington do the right thing and not the party thing? Is there no shame left? Are there no ethics?" And you think Democrats are your salvation? REALLY? Got news for you Mrs. Maguire, these are not your fathers democrats, they are socialists, and if Bernie is our next president, even God won't be able to help us then!!!

Dear Linda,
I fully understand how you feel. As a member of the TEA Party, I too thought it was time for "ethics" reform. We were called a "Radicals" by many among the progressive left, especially Nancy Pelosi. The Obama administration, through the director of the Exempt Organizations Unit of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Lois Lerner, used the IRS to suppress, smother and restrain the grassroots organization of local TEA Party groups (2012-2013). This was the first time I ever experienced such abuse of power against me personally. Imagine Linda, the IRS delayed for months, even years, the applications for conservative groups such as TEA Party and even Religious Groups, as they were improperly questioned about their donors and their religious affiliations? That is what got me involved Linda, prior to that my focus was on helping raise our seven children, and growing in my faith.
I traveled to DC to attend a "Audit the IRS" rally (June 2013). Do you know that the Park Service refused our rally portable toilets? They blamed it on lack of funds and "Sequestration". Ha Ha Ha, very funny. This abuse of power escalated under Obama.
When we are told that it is okay for the IRS, EPA, ATF, FBI or anyone to hassle, threaten or intimidate others because of their skin color, religion or political belief, we stop being the country that we all want to build, and start being the country the world should fear.
Just two short years after the end of the Obama administration’s disastrous policies, America is once again thriving due to conservative solutions that have produced a historic surge in economic growth. Turn off CNN Linda. I originally was against Donald Trump as a viable candidate. I was for a true conservative, but my choice didn't get the nomination, so I accepted Trump. My wife accepted him before I did (she's a woman). Don't buy into all that baloney you see on the main stream media. Pray Linda. Pray that God would be our leader, through His Holy Spirit. We all need to pray.
"If my people, who are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."
God Bless Linda, and thanks for venting.

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