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Marian Catholic senior awards

Published June 12. 2019 12:31PM

Marian Catholic High School recently announced its senior awards for numerous graduates.

They include:

Zachary William Boyer: Men of Marian Valedictorian Award, Schuylkill County Academic Achievement Award, Versum Materials Award for Excellence in Science and Math, Schuylkill County Male Scholar Athlete, The St. John XXIII Holy Name Society Highest Academic Average Award, Mr. & Mrs. George Dzuranin Memorial Award, The Pat Morgans Memorial Scholarship

Emma Marie McClafferty: Men of Marian Salutatorian Award, Schuylkill County Academic Achievement Award, Versum Materials Award for Excellence in Science and Math, Schuylkill County Female Scholar Athlete, The Mahanoy City Elks Ladies Auxiliary Award for Academic Excellence & School Involvement, the BPOE Auxiliary Award, The Coles Family Award for Excellence in Spanish

Jacob Alec Artz: The Bishop’s Catholic Scholar Award, Versum Materials Award for Excellence in Science and Math, The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Good Citizenship Award, Schuylkill County Conservation District Award

Caitlyn Rose Bales: Summit Hill Lion’s Club Award, The Summit Hill Society Award

Gabriel Thomas Bauer: Christopher Bingaman Memorial Scholarship

Daniel Joseph Berlitz: The John Vernon District XI Non Scoring School Swimming & Diving Scholarship, Memorial Larry Sabol Class of 1993 Award

Brandon Robert Cann: Racqueline Craig Memorial Award

Nicole Lilyann Capparell: Versum Materials Award for Excellence in Science and Math, Schuylkill County Academic Achievement Award for Academic Success, The Dr. Richard E. Miller Award

Ryan Joseph Cappel: The Edward and Alice McLaughlin Memorial Scholarship, the West End Fire & Rescue Award

Meghan Riley Darrough: Versum Materials Award for Excellence in Science and Math, Schuylkill County Academic Achievement Award, The Bishop’s Youth Award, The Rev. Louis Garbacik Memorial Scholarship

Matthew Doherty: The Marian Faculty Award For Volunteerism

Victoria Rose Dutz: The Edward And Alice McLaughlin Memorial Scholarship, Kolonsky-Monasky Math and Science Award

Collin Raymond Eisenhower: Klas R. Carlson Junior Memorial Award, The Love of History Award

Christopher Ryan Fowler: The Jack and Joanne Fowler Love of Theater Award, The Peter Blashack Memorial Award

Hunter John Fristick: The Edward And Alice McLaughlin Memorial Scholarship, Schuylkill County Academic Achievement Award, Award for Excellence in General Business Studies

Adam Earl Gilbert: The Ron Polischak Memorial Scholarship, The Schuylkill County Fire Association Award

Margaret Erin Joseph: The Mahanoy City Women’s Club Service Award, The Mahanoy City American Legion Post 74 Award

Kevin John Kabitzke: The Thomas And Bridget Canneriato Jr. Memorial Award

Jakub Piotr Kantyka: The Kolonsky-Monasky Memorial Award, The John Philip Sousa Musician Award

Adam Chance Keselicka: The Thomas J. McCall Memorial Award, The Frank De Febo Memorial Award, Bo Tkach Foundation Scholarship, The Schuylkill County Municipal Authority Scholarship

Courtney Adeline Kovatch: The Knights of Columbus Schuylkill Assembly 0923 Service Award, The Pat Morgans Memorial Scholarship

Robert Francis Kuznicki: Versum Materials Award for Excellence in Science and Math

Faith Christina Letcher: The Victoria “Vicky” Shirvinski Award

Grace Rose Lorenz: The PA Torchbearer Theta to 193 Award, The Antoinette Chiodo Nursing Scholarship, The O’Callahan Memorial Award

Kaitlyn Marie Lowery: The Frank De Febo Memorial Award, The Edith Forrester Memorial Award

Rhiannon Rose Malarkey: The Mary R. Engler Memorial Award

Zachary William Mauro: The Edward and Alice McLaughlin Memorial Scholarship, Award for Excellence in Science

Keith Robert McCall II: Versum Materials Award for Excellence in Science and Math, The DAR Bronze Good Citizenship Medal and Certificate, Coach Kenneth Snerr Memorial Award, The Florence and Marie D. Kovatch Memorial Award, The Pat Morgans Memorial Scholarship

Joseph Michael McGinley: The Edward And Alice McLaughlin Memorial Scholarship

Jacob Thomas McLaughlin: The Marian Faculty Award for Volunteerism

Sarah Ashley Michalesko: The Alice L. Schilling Memorial Award, The Claire N. Pfeiffer Memorial Award

Alicia Marie Morgan: Outstanding Achievement Award in the area of Social Studies

Kenneth Elliot Bernard Moyer IV: The Edward Gieniec, Class Of 1998, Memorial Award

Meghan Karen Moyer: The Tamaqua Rotary Club Award

Mikayla Karen Moyer: The West Penn Lioness Club Award, The Edward and Alice McLaughlin Memorial Scholarship

Alexa Rose Murray: The Edward and Alice McLaughlin Memorial Scholarship, The Pottsville Area School District Education Association Class Day Award

Grace Ellen Mussoline: The Edward and Alice McLaughlin Memorial Scholarship, The Helen E. Hawrylo Memorial Award

Maggie Kathleen O’Rourke: The Thomas Skrabak Memorial Award, The Daniel G. Sleva Jr. Memorial Foundation Leadership Award

Andrew David Osilka: Christopher Bingaman Memorial Scholarship

Seth Dominic Paluck: Versum Materials Award for Excellence in Science and Math, The Jim Thorpe Rotary Club Award, The Josephine Remel Scholarship Award

John Michael Patton: The Jack and Anne Cannon Memorial Award

Jade Christine Ritsick: The Frank Burda Memorial Award

Courtney Marie Louise Rodick: Versum Materials Award for Excellence in Science and Math, The McAdoo Lions’ Club Award for Academic Success, The George Durilla Memorial F.O.P. Scholarship Award

Nacin William Rojas: The John J. Campbell Sr. & Jr. Memorial Award, August Gulla Memorial Award

Madeline Rose Ruff: The F.O.P. Schuylkill-Carbon Lodge 13 Award

Brandon Joseph Sabulsky: The Frank Burda Memorial Award

Lindsay Elizabeth Salazer: Memorial Larry Sabol Class of 1993 Award

Alexa Chey Sandefer: The Ernest Scheller III Memorial Scholarship, The Panther Valley Women’s Club Award

Bradley Marc Sawecki: The Edward Baddick Memorial Award

Isabella Lucy Schwabe: Schuylkill County Academic Achievement Award, The Mary Ann Mansell Female Leadership Scholarship

Dylan Howard Seibert: The Mahanoy City Women’s Club Service Award

Christian Francis Smith: The Helene Casper Derkas Scholarship, The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Good Citizenship Award, The Theology Department Award, The Knights of Columbus #2711 Father Henry W. Baker Council’s Award

Caroline Anne Snerr: Kenneth J. Snerr Memorial Scholarship

Lidia Sokarda: The Lisa Spokas Memorial Award

Kate Maureen Spillman: The George P. Thomas Memorial Scholarship, The Edward and Alice McLaughlin Memorial Scholarship, The English Department Award, The Ellen Marie Brylewski Award

Ariel Lynn Stanalonis: The Bishop’s Catholic Scholar Award, The Knights of Columbus, Frackville Council 2580 of Frackville Award, The Edward and Alice McLaughlin Memorial Scholarship, The James “Jimbo” Stavinski Award, Distinguished Business Leader Scholarship, The Outstanding Senior Female Vocalist of Marian High School Choral Award, The Principal’s Award for Perfect Attendance for four years

Jace Arthur Whitaker: Versum Materials Award for Excellence in Science and Math

Quest Caelum Wilson: The Brian Van Horn Memorial Scholarship

Jordan Joan Woitko: The Elizabeth Fedorick Memorial Award

Antonina Macaluso Zeleniak: The Travelers Protective Association Of America TPA Post Award, The Schuylkill County Quilters Award

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