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Times News staff wins awards at annual state press conference

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    In this 2018 photo, Tamaqua High School graduate Robert Kester celebrates as he walks to receive his diploma. The photo by Bob Ford captured “Best of Show” by the Pennsylvania Associated Press Media Editors. The judges selected one “Best of Show” winner among all entries for photography, regardless of circulation class. TIMES NEWS FILE PHOTO

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    Bob Ford

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    Several members of the Times News staff were recognized for their excellence in journalistic photography and reporting. In the front row, from left to right, are Jarrad Hedes and Marta Gouger, editor. In the back row, from left to right, are Chris Reber, Bob Ford and Emmett McCall. Not pictured are Bruce Frassinelli, Donald Serfass and David Rowe. PHOTO PROVIDED

Published June 15. 2019 05:56AM


Times News photographer Bob Ford had a prizewinning photo named “Best of Show” by the Pennsylvania Associated Press Media Editors. The surprise award for his 2018 photo titled “Graduation,” was announced at the Pennsylvania Press Conference held in May at the Hilton in Harrisburg.

The judges said, “This is a human moment of unadulterated joy for the graduate and his classmates. Every face in this excellently framed image is focused on the subject and shares that joy. These days we hear story after story about teenage angst — cyber-bullying, addictions, teen suicide — so this photo works as a great antidote to that. This is an image of togetherness, support, joy and hope.”

All of the photos that won first place in the contest were considered for the award. Ford, who started at the Times News in 2002, received a plaque and a cash prize.

Ford also won second place for “Tennis Player of the Year” graphic that the judge said “tied all the elements together” and second place for a photo, titled, “Move Over, Betsy Ross,” depicting Tamaqua Area High School teacher Lori Remmel and 52 graphic art students painting an American flag on Stadium Hill as part of the monthlong Tamaqua Remembers tribute; second place in photo story for “Out of the Woodwork,” about Jim Markley of Franklin Township, who builds guitars from trees.

Other awards for the Times News in Division I of the PAMPE contest were:

• Graphic designer David Rowe, second place in full page design for “Natural Pain Relief.” The judge said, the page had “crisp and clean use of graphics that tie the centerpiece together.”

• Reporter Jarrad Hedes swept the public service category with a first place for the “Dangers of Route 903” and second place for “Playing It Safe,” a look at security in local schools. The judges commented that the pieces showed “great writing.”

• Reporter Chris Reber won second place in the business writing category for “Jim Thorpe Loses Bear Creek Iced Tea.” The judge said, “Interesting subject matter on what appears to be a traditional beverage in the area.” He also won second in the short video category for “Making the Pierogies.”

• Sports Editor Emmett McCall won first place in sports story for “Disability doesn’t define her,” about Hope Hoppe, a Pleasant Valley tennis player born with one arm. The judge commented, “The writer is an excellent storyteller! Enjoyed reading this inspirational story and have thought of the young woman often in the past week.”

The Keystone awards by the Pennsylvania NewsMedia Association were also awarded at the news conference.

The winners were:

• Bruce Frassinelli, second for a body of three editorials.

• Jarrad Hedes, second for personality profile with “One journey ends, another begins” with a father talking about his son’s suicide.

• Donald Serfass, second for feature beat reporting, “The Anthracite Coal Region”

• Bob Ford, honorable mention for news photo of a Jim Thorpe fire, titled “Inferno”

• David Rowe, first place for page design “Island adventure; Natural; Werepuppy love”

• Chris Reber, honorable mention for video story, “Making the pierogies.”

The Lehigh Valley Press weekly newspapers also garnered many awards.



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