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Palmerton Area School District

Published June 21. 2019 11:42AM

Palmerton Area School District’s board of directors took the following action Tuesday night:

• Authorized the business manager to begin the request for proposal process for engineer of record services.

• Approved four change orders adding $109,934.71 to the contract with JBM Mechanical for work at the junior high school.

• Approved as school board treasurer, effective July 1, 2019, to June 30, 2020, at the rate of $400.

• Approved the interim superintendent and business manager to make and release payments for the remaining June and July accounts payable.

• Approved the following the breakfast and lunch prices for 2019-20; secondary breakfast $1.30, adult breakfast $2.15; elementary lunch $2.65; secondary lunch $2.75; adult lunch $3.75; and milk $0.55.

• Approved a performance license agreement with dramatic publishing for the performance of “A Christmas Story” in December 2019.

• Approved the 2019-20 workers’ compensation coverage through CM Regent at an estimated cost of $113,067.

• Approved the athletic insurance coverage through Axis Insurance Company for the period of Aug. 6, 2019, to Aug. 6, 2020, at a cost of $36,706.

• Approved the voluntary student accident coverage through Axis Insurance Company for the period of Aug. 6, 2019, to Aug. 6, 2020.

• Approved the 2019-20 homestead/farmstead taxable assessment exclusion of $3,584 and the homestead/farmstead tax exclusion of $206.20

• Approved the upgrade to the Virtual Circuit Connection service agreement with PenTeleData.

• Approved five teachers to attend the out of state conference “Get Your Teach On” Oct. 14-15, 2019, at the Mohegan Sun Resort in Uncasville, Connecticut.

• Approved the following bonding amounts for the 2019-20 fiscal year; board president $100,000, board vice president $100,000, board secretary $100,000, board treasurer $100,000, superintendent $100,000, business manager $100,000, employee theft 5,000, forgery or alteration $100,000.

• Approved the assignment change for Andrew Remsing from athletic coordinator to high school science teacher, effective July 1.

• Approved the assignment change for Kyle Porembo from high school science teacher to athletic coordinator, effective July 1.

• Approved the change of retirement date to Jan. 3, 2020, for Dianne Smelas.

• Accepted the retirement of Roberta Yeager from her position as a third-grade teacher, effective Aug. 10.

• Hired Keith Smith as a full-time custodian at the rate of $44,714.

• Hired Kianna Marlatt as an elementary substitute teacher, effective Aug. 26.

• Accepted the resignation of Raquel Hoffert, high school counselor.

• Hired Michael Horvath as an elementary health/physical education teacher at $46,000.

• Approved a field trip request from Jose Elvir for the Palmerton Area High School International Travelers Club to visit Hungary, Poland, Germany, Slovakia and the Czech Republic in June 2020, expenses will be the responsibility of the club and students.

• Approved a request by Thomas Heinick for the Palmerton Area High School Marching Band, Concert Band and Chorus to take a four-day trip to Massachusetts in spring of 2021. Cost will be paid for through fundraising.

• Approved Andrew Remsing as summer program facilitator of the eBridges course/credit recovery program for students in grades 7-12, at the rate of $32 per hour.

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