Hawk Mtn. makes changes
This spring, Hawk Mountain revamped the conservation science department with a series of internal promotions and an addition of a new research biologist to the team. These personnel changes have better streamlined the department and will expand the Sanctuary’s research efforts moving forward.
Following Dr. Laurie Goodrich’s promotion to director of conservation science in January, the rest of the science staff shifted position titles, also allowing for the hire of a new research biologist. All positions are housed in the Sanctuary’s Acopian Center for Conservation Learning.
Dr. Jean-Francois Therrien, formerly a senior research biologist, became the newly established Senior Scientist and Graduate Study Director position. He assumed a key role in several conservation science initiatives including Hawk Mountain’s traineeship program, the long-term American kestrel nest box research, and helping with annual migration count.
David Barber, formally a research biologist, was promoted to the senior research biologist position.
This is a core science position with primary responsibility for collecting data in the field and managing our natural history databases, including our long-term raptor, bird, and butterfly counts and general natural history. Additionally, Barber is proficient in GIS mapping and analysis techniques, which is vital in studying raptor movement ecology and training graduate students and trainees.
Most recently, local educator and dedicated, longtime Hawk Mountain volunteer Bracken Brown has joined the team as a biologist-naturalist. Brown will assist in natural history monitoring and long-term research, conduct migration counts and surveys, and maintain avian and GIS databases. Additionally, he will help with volunteer recruitment and public outreach. Brown adds another set of very capable hands to the Sanctuary science team.
Call 610-756-6961 or visit www.hawkmountain.org.