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Thoughts on Susquehanna Street project

Published July 06. 2019 06:29AM


I originally wrote this letter in early March 2019 and I’ve since changed it so as not to hurt anyone’s feelings. You can no longer call a spade a spade. You can say someone has their head where the sun don’t shine, but you can’t say they have their head in the other place. Not sure if that remark will make it past the censors?

Anyhow, getting back to the main issue. The Susquehanna Street project, since March things have changed, for the time being anyhow! I have a question on the whole matter. Let’s go back a few years, did the people in charge know they needed more space? I’m sure they did, I hope so anyhow! A few years back the Bott/Bevan building on the east side went up for auction and sold for a song! Were there any bids from the county? Don’t know for sure, but I’m pretty sure the answer is NO!

There was a building in excellent condition, on an acre of ground, in the middle of town. It surely could have housed all the needed offices with little construction. An elevator could’ve been added without much ado. There’s ample enough parking for 50 plus cars on the lot. But alas, none of those in charge bothered to take a trip to the east side! It’s too late now, but there was the answer to all the problems. Shame on those in charge! Can’t call them the name I want.

Also more recently another building on the East Side was sold for another song. Ned’s on Center Street was for sale for a few years. It also could have housed some offices and also had ample parking in the rear! Both buildings could’ve been purchased for less than it’s cost so far, with nothing to show for the money spent. Doesn’t anyone in charge have any foresight? But as they say, there’s no sense locking the barn door, all the horses are gone! I guess everyone is more focused on the yearly opening/closing of the Bridge to Nowhere!

A Native Chunker

Pete Bott

E. Mauch Chunk

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