Resolution calls for fair legislative districts
Roy Christman from Fair Districts PA presented a resolution in support of fair legislative districts in Pennsylvania during the East Penn Board of Supervisors meeting on Monday night.
Fair Districts PA is a nonpartisan organization to end gerrymandering within the commonwealth. Its goal is to get townships and boroughs in Carbon County along with other counties to adopt a resolution to stop gerrymandering.
Currently, Summit Hill and Lower Towamensing adopted the resolution.
In other business
• Carbon Chamber and Economic Development Corp. Director of Economic Development Kathy Henderson presented a 2017 study of return on environment based on case studies on East Penn and Kidder townships. The study determines if the township would have to construct a system to purify water and what it would cost.
If the township decided to allow nature to run its course, the purification would be free. This is important for future employers coming into the area.
East Penn’s open spaces has provided more than $35.8 million in natural services and financial benefits. The full report is on the chamber’s website,
• Samantha Lambert was sworn in as East Penn’s latest fire police officer.
• Responsible Recycling Services will be holding an electronic recycling event at the township municipal building from 9 a.m. to noon on Oct. 26.