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Northern Lehigh School Board — co-curricular appointments

Published August 16. 2019 02:37PM

Northern Lehigh School Board on Monday approved the following co-curricular appointments for the 2019-20 school year: Jennifer Balliet, decorating club, shared stipend, $150; Todd Herzog, Sons of Liberty Club, $500; Susan Mendes, gardening club, $500; and Lori Middaugh, decorating club, shared stipend, $100.

The board also renewed the following co-curricular positions for the 2019-20 school year: Susan Bachman, elementary Scholastic Scrimmage, $491; Shelby Bailey, middle school student council, shared stipend, $700; Amanda Bariana, middle school student council, shared stipend, $700; and Math Counts, $454; Christopher Barnes, senior high newspaper adviser, $2,039; Colette Boudreaux, senior high fall play director, $1,651, and senior high spring musical director, $3,110; David Carroll, senior high band adviser, $5,307, and middle school band director, $776; Blasia Dunham, middle school Junior National Honor Society adviser, shared stipend, $233; and middle school newspaper adviser, $514; Katherine Farber, sophomore class adviser, $712; Mary Frank, middle school yearbook adviser, $906; Frank Gnas, sophomore class adviser, shared stipend, $712; Jason Graver, middle school Junior National Honor Society adviser, shared stipend, $233; Shawn Green, National Reading Olympics adviser, $491; Christopher Hamm, middle school chorus adviser, $776; and senior high school chorus adviser, $1,941; Steven Jonkman, elementary chorus adviser, $664, and elementary band adviser, $884; Tracy Karpowich, junior class adviser, $712; Sarah Kunkel, SADD adviser, $623; Michael Lehtonen, senior high scholastic scrimmage adviser; Alice Lieberman, Academic Challenge Eight adviser, $491; MaryAnne Mattiola, senior high yearbook adviser, $2,701; Nicholas Sander, senior high student council adviser, $2,330; Janelle Scheckler, senior class adviser, $712, and National Honor Society adviser, $554; Tamara Stubits, Girls’ On the Run Club, $500; Krystle Tiedeman, Debate adviser, $1,552; Tayler Urban, senior class adviser, $712; Randall Utsch, majorette/band adviser, $2,330; and Maria VanNorman, junior class adviser, $712.

The board also appointed the following as co-curricular volunteers for the 2019-20 school year: Christina Billheimer, James Corle, Kim Corle, Rebecca Hamm, Tyler Hoffman, Jason Steigerwalt and Julia Thomason, band advisers; and Fred Folland, Northern Lehigh Leo Club.

The board also appointed the following bus drivers from Brandywine Transportation to transport district students for the 2019-20 school year: Anna Bauer, Ashley Bauer, Kellie Bechtel, Tina Beltz, Kathleen Bentzoni, David Bilheimer, Patricia Bortz, Tina Butensky, Misty Christman, Kathryn Coniglio, Dawn DeWalt, Courtney Diaz, Werner Fornos, Schelene Fritzinger, Tanya Fritzinger, Amber Getz, George Grossman, Jeanette Henritzy, Warren Henritzy, Ashley Heyer, Nikki Kibler, Michael Knauss, Jean Kutchera, Linda Leibold, Earl Loch, Tammy Marsh, Olga Martinez, Charles Maurer, Linda Neff, Lisa Neff, Raymond Nunemacher, Beverly Owens, John Owens, Melody Petri, Sheryl Lynn Rex, Eric Schaner, RuthAnn Seip, Julie Senefeld, Natasha Shimko, Wanda Shimko, Jean Smith, Barbara Stankovic, Melissa Strohl, Amy Thomson, Larry Trimble, Heather VanBlargan, Donna VanHorn, Susan Yesik, Sherry Zellers, David Zellers, and Lynne Ziegler.

— Terry Ahner

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