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Northern Lehigh school board personnel

Published August 17. 2019 06:38AM

Northern Lehigh School Board approved the following personnel matters on Monday:

• The retirement resignation of Kelly Follweiler, administrative secretary at the senior high school, effective Aug. 30, after 20 years of service; and the resignations of Kyle Kromer, part-time school police officer, effective Aug. 5., and Corinna Varilek, cafeteria monitor, Peters Elementary School, effective July 19.

• The administrative transfers of Rebecca Adams, Peters Elementary PCA to Slatington Elementary PCA, no change in salary, effective Aug. 20; Robin Blocker, middle school PCA to senior high school PCA, no change in salary, effective Aug. 20; Diana Detweiler, senior high school cafeteria monitor to senior high school office paraprofessional (12-month position), $11.68 per hour, five-and-a-half hours per day during the school year, and seven hours per day during summer work hours, effective Aug. 20; Kathy Nowlin, senior high school clerk typist to senior high school administrative secretary, $48,327, prorated for the 2019-20 school year, effective Aug. 13; and Peggy Perry, Slatington Elementary Life Skills/Emotional Support paraprofessional to senior high school PCA, no change in salary, effective Aug. 20.

• Zachary Merkle, middle school emotional support teacher, $49,750, effective Aug. 20; Christopher Hamm, secondary vocal music teacher, substitute teacher rate days 1-30; day 31 and beyond, $49,750, effective Aug. 20, with a termination upon the hiring of a permanent principal at Peters Elementary; Morgan Klotz, first-grade teacher, replacing an employee who is on a leave of absence, salary of substitute teacher days 1-30; day 31 and beyond, $49,750, effective Aug. 20, with a termination date upon receipt of full-time teacher; Shelly Pender, senior high school paraprofessional (10-month position), salary of $11.48 per hour, five-and-a-half hours per day, 180 days per year, effective Aug. 20; and Diana Detweiler, substitute secondary detention monitor for the senior high school for the 2019-20 school year, with work to be on an as-needed basis and compensation at a salary of $20 per hour worked.

• That teachers Mary Frank, Step 5B to Step 5B+24, and James Schnyderite, Step 11M to Step 11M+24, have completed the requirements per the Collective Bargaining Agreement that would entitle them to a salary increase for the 2019-20 school year.

• Professional employee status to teachers Nicole Nightlinger, Janelle Scheckler, Sara Shimer and Anthony Tulio for having successfully completed three years of service to the district.

• Katelyn Hugo, districtwide permanent substitute teacher for the 2019-20 school year, to be paid a per diem rate of $120 and to receive district health benefits according to the Affordable Care Act regulations, with co-payment amounts equivalent to that of district personnel.

• To continue the employment of Lisa Hoever, Aubrey Miller and Jacen Nalesnik as districtwide permanent substitute teachers for the 2019-20 school year.

• Thomas Battista, health and physical education; Kimberly Bayer, elementary 4-6, math 7-8; Christopher Hamm, music; Shannon Jones, emergency certified all subjects K-12; Dawn Kemery, elementary; Morgan Kemmerer, pre-4; Jason Kisselbach, social studies; Morgan Klotz, Pre-K-4; Samantha Lilly, elementary K-6 and special education K-12; and Patricia Passick, art K-12, substitute teachers; Ashlee Storm, Amanda Trelease, Corinna Varilek, Janice Wasilkowski, and Claudia Young, substitute secretaries/paraprofessionals; Kellie Bechtel, Patricia Bortz, Sabrina Clouse, Francis Cross, and Eric Schaner, substitute custodian workers; Holly Carlson, Stephanie Richards, Corinna Varilek, Janice Wasilkowski, Kathy Williams and Claudia Young, substitute cafeteria workers; Marilyn Keenly, substitute nurse; and Shawn Wanamaker, substitute secretary/paraprofessional, for the 2019-20 school year.

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