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Palmerton man charged with possession of marijuana

Published August 31. 2019 06:56AM

Palmerton police have charged a borough man after a blood test revealed drugs in his system.

According to the affidavit of probable cause filed by officer Dane O’Brien of the Palmerton Borough Police Department:

At 11:08 p.m. Feb. 21, O’Brien was on patrol in the 100 block of Delaware Avenue when he saw a Volkswagen Jetta traveling toward Route 248 with window glazing on all windows.

O’Brien conducted a traffic stop on the 248 eastbound entrance ramp.

O’Brien noticed the driver, William Morales Jr., 54, had red eyes and had slight eyelid tremors.

Morales said that he was on his way to work.

O’Brien asked him to submit to a series of field sobriety exercises.

O’Brien searched Morales and found green vegetable matter wrapped in cellophane in Morales’ right front jacket pocket.

Morales told O’Brien that it was marijuana, but denied ownership. Morales denied smoking marijuana in the last 20 years.

Morales consented to a blood test, which indicated the presence of Delta 9-THC and its metabolites.

Morales faces charges of driving under the influence of a controlled substance, and possession of a small amount of marijuana.

He is scheduled to appear for a preliminary hearing Oct. 2 before District Judge William Kissner of Palmerton.

Why was he pulled over? The only thing they say is window glazing. They have a tool to measure if your glazing is over accepted limits. If they can't prove that the stop is illegal. Cops are supposed to follow the given laws, not work around them to suit the situation. A good lawyer will beat this and make the township pay his costs.
“Green vegetable matter?” Seriously, Times News?
That was the name of my first band in HS, btw.
T2C, here we are again. Republicans own you. Republicans are your master. You are under the command of Republicans. Your wife (God Bless her...really) is a Republican. Your list of psychiatrists are all Republicans. Every meltdown you have puts more money in the hands of your Republican psychiatrists. Thank you T2C for supporting Republicans. Trump thanks you for your support.

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