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Slatington council votes against pursuing blight ordinance

Published September 16. 2019 01:14PM

In a 4-2 vote, the Slatington Borough Council decided not to advertise and pursue the proposed Ordinance 696.

The proposed ordinance sought to add Chapter 62 of the Pennsylvania Neighborhood Blight Reclamation and Revitalization Act, known as Act 2010-90 to the borough’s ordinances.

This chapter gives municipalities the power to deny giving permits to property owners who are delinquent on payment of their garbage, water or sewer bills.

Council President Daniel Stevens asked borough solicitor Edmund Healy for clarification on when a property owner would be considered delinquent.

The borough accepts payments after the due date, but adds on a 10% penalty for late payment for 30 days after the due date.

Healy said that from the day in which the bill is mailed out, the property owner has 30 days to pay the bill. If the bill is not paid within those 30 days, then the property owner is delinquent unless he or she has a payment plan established.

Stevens asked if people who pay their bill after the 30 days are considered delinquent, and Healy said yes.

“Not on a payment plan, then you have the right to deny the permit,” Healy said. “Get on a payment plan and avoid the whole problem.”

The council members who voted against the ordinance were Stevens, Bryan Reed, Ronald Katz and Joseph Wechsler. Those voting for it were Jason Ruff and Thomas Bartholomew. Council member David Schnaars was absent.

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