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West End Club names Evans Lion of Year

Published September 28. 2019 06:26AM

The West End Lions Club recently named the Lion of the Year, inducted a new member and hosted an annual visit from the Lions 14-U district governor.

Visiting Berks County resident, Past District Gov. Lion Bob Argot, a former club member, officer of the club, and district governor for 14-U, was asked to present the honor.

The Lion of the Year recipient Jon Evans was a Lion whom Argot had sponsored for club membership in the Western Pocono Lions Club years ago. Evans,also received that honor nearly 10 years ago.

Evans is serving as club secretary the second time and has been on the board of directors for several years. In addition, he has helped take care of the Moravian monument in Gilbert for three or four years. It marks the Wechouetank Moravian mission station on Mill Pond Road. That Lions service project has been featured in the Lions International magazine, “The Lion.”

As the honoree says, “Basically, I attempt to assist in every project,” and during this particular season he gives a lot of time to the Western Pocono Lions Club’s West End Fair fundraising booth.

The second event was the induction of a third-generation Lion, Thomas Christopher Kresge, son of Lion Tom Kresge and grandson of the late Lion William “Bud” Kresge.

The younger Kresge is well-known for his basketball talent as a student in the Pleasant Valley School District.

He is a graduate of Wilkes University and the mortuary program at Northampton Community College and continues in the tradition of family service to the community as a local funeral director.

The third “special” was the annual district governor visit by current Lions District 14-U District Gov. Lion Jessica Karrer.

“I love being a Lion,” she said. Looking at the Lions assembled at Cherry’s Restaurant in Kresgeville, she said, “You are my bosses.”

She discussed Campaign 100, a Lions International fundraiser project that continues to seek donations so Lions can serve even more people around the world and spoke about the need for service reporting by the clubs.

Looking at club secretary Evans, the evening’s honoree, she said, “Lion Jon does an awesome job.”

Karrer also spoke about Operation Gratitude, where care packages will be sent to veterans.

One can donate money or in-kind items and also send personal letters.

She introduced her Junior Partner in Service, her 8-year old daughter Kamryn, whose project is “Pennies for Puppies.”

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