Slow-moving road hazard
Picture this scenario: You are driving at or under the speed limit in light rain/drizzle on Pohopoco Drive, a well-traveled and maintained local road that has a few turns and hills, when you come to a precarious curve and suddenly see a blue tractor/mower with boom extended in your lane, mowing the vegetation on the side of the road. There are no warnings ahead of time, no signs or traffic cones to indicate there may be something ahead.
You have no choice but to go around the tractor/mower which is moving at about 5-10 mph, which means driving into the other lane and hoping no one is coming toward you. To suddenly stop would mean hydroplaning and skidding all over the wet road.
After catching your breath and being thankful that there was no traffic heading your way in the opposite lane, you grow increasingly disturbed and puzzled as to why someone (a township employee?) would mow the sides of the road with absolutely no warning to advise motorists of a slow-moving potential hazard.
The irony is that four hours later, I encountered the same piece of equipment being operated on the opposite side of the same road at the same hazardous curve, this time using the boom to prune the overhanging trees along the side of the road. Again, there were no signs or cones, only the blinking lights ahead in my lane. Once more, I took my life in my hands since I had to pass him with no time to react. I urge the authorities who maintain the sides of the roads to post warning signs or put cones up when they are taking care of our roadways.
The public needs to know you are there, and you may save lives!
Sherry Ferguson
Towamensing Township