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Published October 23. 2019 01:10PM

Northern Lehigh School Board recently approved the following:

Curriculum & Instruction

• For administration to sign the agreement for the CLIU Overdrive Consortium for the 2019-20 school year to provide e-books, audiobooks and other digital content at a cost of $2,000.

• The Use of Funds Agreement with CLIU 21 for IDEA Part B, Section 619 pass-through funds for the 2019-20 school year.


• Rhonda Frantz, to attend the A/CAPA Annual Conference, Nov. 13-15 at Hotel Hershey, Hershey, with the cost of registration $305, lodging, $275, and travel, $87, for a total cost of about $667, to be funded from the business office budget; Matthew Link, to attend the AASA-PASA 2021 PA Cohort National Superintendent Certification Program, Nov. 6-7, PASA Offices, Harrisburg, lodging, $128, travel, $89, for a total cost of about $217, to be funded from the superintendent’s budget; Link, Allison Chruscial, Maria Van Norman, and Robert Vlasaty, to attend the CFES Brilliant Pathways National Conference, Oct. 31-Nov. 2, Sagamore Resort, Bolton Landing, New York; with the cost of meals, $100 each, for a total cost of $500, to be funded from the superintendent’s budget; and Matthew Houser to attend the NASRO Basic SRO Course, Nov. 18-22, Berks Intermediate Unit 14, Reading, registration, $495, meals, $75, travel, $223, for a total cost of about $793, to be funded from the school police officer’s budget.


• To proceed with a Petition for Unit Clarification to the Pennsylvania Labor Relations Board to remove the athletic director position from the Northern Lehigh Education Association bargaining unit.

• Announced that the district provides a medical related benefit for employees commonly known as “Section 125 Flexible Spending Account” (the Medical Benefits Plan); and has contacted the Alternative Benefit Systems to administer the Medical Benefit Plan. In the event Alternate Benefit Systems fails to pay employee claims that are eligible for payment for the Medical Benefit Plan year Sept. 1, 2018, through Aug. 31, 2019, the Northern Lehigh board of directors authorizes administration to pay the employee the amount of the claim.

• Approved the Northern Lehigh School District goals for the 2019-20 school year.

— Terry Ahner

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