LCCC Jim Thorpe to hold information session
Lehigh Carbon Community College will host an information session for adult learners and their families on Nov. 6, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the college’s Jim Thorpe campus, 110 Center St.
If you are thinking about beginning classes, learning a new trade or completing a degree, attend the information session and learn how LCCC can pave the way for an exciting and rewarding career or transfer to earn a bachelor’s degree. Faculty, staff and current adult students will be on hand to discuss your educational goals.
LCCC admission and financial aid representatives, academic advisers as well as academic program coordinators will be on hand to answer your questions. The information session is an opportunity for prospective students of all ages to tour the campus, learn about both credit and noncredit programs, as well as scholarship opportunities.
LCCC’s Jim Thorpe site is located in the west wing of Jim Thorpe Area High School.
Register online at, or call 570-669-7010 or 610-799-1575.