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Published November 07. 2019 01:29PM

Lehighton Borough Council, on a 6-0 vote with Councilman Darryl Arner absent, took the following action on Monday:

• Approved payment application No. 3 in the amount of $224,775, and payment application No. 4 in the amount of $87,885, for the Upper Park Improvement Project.

• Approved payment application No. 1 for the wastewater treatment plant demolition in the amount of $169,540.

• Agreed to spend about $4,000 for the police station stormwater repair project. The borough had contracted with Joe Hutta, Plumbing and Heating, to install an inlet, drain and correct the down spouting along with a trough for drainage. The funds will be taken from the police budget.

• Announced that Motor Coach Transportation has agreed to relocate its local pick up to Seventh Street at the Grove, effective Jan. 1, 2020.

• Approved a resolution granting borough manager Nicole Beckett the authority to execute the sidewalk maintenance agreement for the Route 443 project.

• Discussed the odd/even parking ordinance, as there were some minor language changes from the 2015 ordinance. Council talked about having it go into effect in July so that it has enough time to educate the public. Beckett will bring the draft before council next month.

• Approved the Pathstone lease for Room 101.

• Agreed to re-advertise the Beaver Run 12,570 Volt Circuit Upgrade Project. Bids are due to the borough by 3 p.m. Dec. 17, with the bid awarded at council’s Jan. 6 meeting.

• Approved the audit engagement letter with Hutchinson, Gillahan and Freeh, P.C. for the 2019 Audit in the amount of $19,000.

• Approved the boundary line adjustment for Joe Neff and Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Nothstein.

• Approved 2019-2020 seasonal employees for the Rec Center Winter Youth Program.

• Approved fire police assistance for the Bo Tkach Turkey Trot on Nov. 28.

• Approved the 2019 inactive accounts (write-offs) for the utility office.

• Approved an annual resolution for state aid.

• Approved the MSSC Holiday Lighting Competition and prizes.

— Terry Ahner

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