Historical society to host local author
The Nesquehoning Historical Society will host a special talk and visual presentation by historian and author Vince Hydro titled “The History of Uranium in Carbon County and the Radon Problem.”
The event will be held at 6 p.m. on Nov. 18 and is open to the public. While there is no charge to attend, the society will accept donations.
The presentation will explore the history of the discovery of uranium by Dr. Bertine S. Erwin in Mauch Chunk in 1886, and the subsequent attempts to develop uranium mines in Mauch Chunk and other areas in Pennsylvania.
The talk will also examine the relationship between the presence of uranium in the ground and the radon problem in eastern Pennsylvania.
Hydro is a native of Carbon County and has written extensively on Carbon County history, Mauch Chunk, and the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company.
His book, “The Mauch Chunk Switchback: America’s Pioneer Railroad,” was published by the Canal History and Technology Press in 2002.
Earlier this year, Hydro released his latest publication, “The History of the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company’s Room Run Railroad.”
Hydro is currently working on his next publication, “A History of the Lost Village of Lausanne,” a village that was once located at the mouth of the Nesquehoning Creek.
The Nesquehoning Historical Society Museum is located at 157 W. Railroad St. in Nesquehoning.
For more information, the society can be contacted through its Facebook page by searching under “Nesquehoning Historical Society.”