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Bowmanstown gets $842,185 for Craig St. project

Published November 12. 2019 12:45PM

Rep. Doyle Heffley, R-Carbon, and State Sen. John Yudichak, D-Carbon-Luzerne, announced Tuesday morning the awarding of $842,185 in state funding to assist with a street improvement project in Bowmanstown Borough, Carbon County.

Specifically, the grant, which was made available through the Multimodal Transportation Fund Program, will be used to reconstruct Craig Street to allow for safer travel conditions for residents. The work includes a new base layer and blacktop, removal of old catch basins, and new stormwater drains and curbing.

“Infrastructure costs are rising for small municipalities across the Commonwealth. So, it’s important that programs like this are available to help ensure that projects are completed,” Heffley said. “I’m happy to see that the Bowmanstown project was approved for funding and look forward to its completion.”

The Multimodal Transportation Fund provides grants to encourage economic development and ensure that a safe and reliable system of transportation is available to state residents.

Craig Street, which is located in the Meadowcrest development within the borough is the only way for residents and visitors to access the Bowmanstown Baseball Field, which is heavily used and also serves as the main access road to many businesses and evacuations routes within the community. The project will consist of a total reconstruction of 1,230 feet of Craig Street, which has become deteriorated over the years.

“Multimodal Transportation Fund grants ensure that a safe and reliable system of transportation is available to our residents,” said State Senator John Yudichak. “The project awarded funding in Bowmanstown today will help to reconstruct an integral road in the community that is heavily used and will aid in making travel safer to the community’s main recreational asset.”

“The reconstruction of Craig Street has been a sought-after project in the Borough for decades. It’s not only the sole access point to our recreational areas, but also serves as the only open access for many residential and commercial businesses,” said Tara Takerer, Bowmanstown Borough Treasurer. “The completion of this project will have a huge impact

The funding was approved by the Commonwealth Financing Authority, an independent agency that holds fiduciary responsibility over the funding of programs and investments in Pennsylvania’s economic growth.

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