Pottsville store benefits charities
New Life Thrift Store, located at 310 N. Centre St. in Pottsville, is a nonprofit store that raises money for Schuylkill County charities by selling quality, donated goods for women, men and children.
The store has been open since Jan. 7, 2019. For the first six months of business, the store donated money to Servants to All My Father’s House Homeless Shelter and now is donating to the Saint Patrick Pottsville Area Kitchen.
The downtown Pottsville store resells clothing, shoes, accessories, books, and odds and ends. The inventory is constantly changing. According to manager Kimberly D’Amico Pace, new items are often featured on the store’s Facebook page: Facebook.com/newlifethriftstorepottsville.
Call 570-622-4525 for information.