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Ross Township deals with personnel changes

Published December 03. 2019 01:38PM

The Ross Township supervisors’ last monthly meeting of 2019 included a few significant personnel changes.

“We need to accept the resignation of Secretary-Treasurer Doris Price,” said Chairman Howard Beers Jr. on Monday evening.

Price worked at the township for 22 years and submitted her resignation in late November. Price was not present at the meeting.

“Reluctantly, yes. We accept the resignation,” said Vice Chairwoman Tina Drake. “She was ready to retire.”

The supervisors recently interviewed a few candidates and voted on their first choice.

They asked that her name not be published until she accepts the position.

The starting rate is $15 per hour. Benefits and vacation time begin in 90 days, and the rate will increase to $17 per hour, if she performs as assigned.

Drake held up a certificate of appreciation to be given to Price on behalf of the Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors.

The wording of the certificate expressed the Ross Township supervisors’ gratitude for her leadership, professionalism and commitment to township business for the past two decades.

Drake also presented a certificate of appreciation to Beers for his 32 years of service to the township. It had similar words of gratitude and service to the community.

This was Beers’ last night presiding over the meeting. In November, he lost the election to Jim Zahoroiko.

“I have been doing this since I was 30 years old. I served two years on planning commission before I became a supervisor,” Beers said.

Supervisor David Shay thanked Beers for all his years of service and said that Beers’ history and knowledge of the township will be greatly missed.

“We hope you enjoy whatever you’ll be doing after the first of the year,” said Shay.

Beers did not say anything else about his time in office. He diligently went through a folder of paperwork, reminders and pending bills with Drake and Shay.

Also during the meeting, supervisors reappointed Dave LaBar and Roger Green to the planning commission. They appointed Lauri Lapping as the new member to the planning commission.

They appointed Heather McDonald planning commission secretary.

Supervisors also voted to hire three part-time plow drivers.

In other business

• Supervisors will meet next Monday to adopt the 2020 budget.

• Supervisors will not fix the roof on the garage on Kunkletown Road, nor will they replace it with a pole building. Beers said a pole building would cost about $26,000. Since the current garage is not used to store anything and is in disrepair, they voted to not renew the insurance policy and tear it down in the spring.

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