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Where we live: Happy birthday, baby girl

Published December 21. 2019 06:47AM

Dear Jordan,

In a few days, you will be 2 and yet another year of adventure will begin.

I’m not saying it hasn’t been a challenge since you are a beautiful, headstrong little girl with a fierce independence that has made the last two years a wild ride that we have enjoyed taking with you.

We’re so glad God hand-picked you to come and bless us with your life. You are perfect in your own ways with your kitty cat quirks and your big personality wrapped into a small package.

We love you, our beautiful baby girl.

We love your giggle, the way you love Bubble Guppies and Baby Shark (even if that song is on repeat for hours on end), the way you admire your brother and everything that makes you, you.

We love the moments we share with you and your brother each and every day.

It is amazing watching you grow from the small newborn we brought home from the hospital after you decided to arrive a month early, into this 2-year-old who is full of curiosity about the world around you.

You have completed our family, and for that we are grateful.

But that doesn’t mean we haven’t had our bumps along this journey. You still don’t want to sleep past 3:30 a.m., but we know this will change.

You’re already growing so fast, and we are so proud of who you are and can’t wait to see who you become.

Our prayer for you, as you continue your journey through this life, is that you become a caring, independent, smart, gentle and strong woman who is not afraid to be true to herself and her family.

We hope that you will know Jesus. That you will hear Him clearly when He speaks to you. Do not doubt Him because He will never lead you astray. We pray for your purpose, for your life story.

We know you’re here for something big and important, and we thank God every day for letting us be here to witness your life and for being chosen to guide you along the way.

On Dec. 26, you, our little girl, turn 2. Happy birthday, our precious daughter.

Love now and always,

Mom, Dad and Logan

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