Angela Theatre hosts memorial ‘Rocky Horror’ event Saturday
By Amy Miller
The Angela Triplex Theatre in Coaldale is holding a free Rocky Horror for a late friend from 9 to 11 p.m. on Saturday.
The event and viewing of “The Rocky Horror Picture Show” is in memory of Joe Arner, a friend and Rocky Horror expert who passed away last month at the age of 51. There is no fee to attend, but donations will be accepted.
“The Rocky Horror community is like family,” Mike Danchak Jr. of the Angela Theatre. “When we lose a member of the community it’s like losing a member of our family. Especially one we were so close to (who’s) been there for so many of us.
“We want to give back to his immediate family like he did for our extended family while at the same time honoring his memory.”
Danchak and his mother, Deb Danchak, have operated the Coaldale theatre since the passing of Mike’s father, Mike.
The Danchaks said that all proceeds from the event will go to the Arner family.
“Join us in not just honoring his memory but by helping out his family just like Joe helped out so many people in The Rocky Horror Picture Show family,” Danchaks said. “Let’s do the time warp again for Joe.”
Arner, a 1986 graduate of Panther Valley High School, was a local businessman, co-owning Silver Screen Video in Lansford before moving to Omaha, Nebraska, where he worked at a Blockbuster.
According to an article, published in the Times News in 2003, Arner knew the movie like the back of his hand and even wrote a guidebook for attendees on how to best enjoy the movie.
The Angela Triplex Theatre is located at 113 E. Phillips St., Coaldale.