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2020 reorganization: Chestnuthill Township supervisors

Published January 08. 2020 01:12PM

The Chestnuthill Township supervisors met Monday for a reorganizational meeting and this month’s regular meeting.

Carl Gould II will continue as chairman of the Board of Supervisors, and Christopher Eckert will continue as vice chairman.

Supervisor Eric Snyder gave up his position as alternate township engineer, because of his service as supervisor. He is being replaced by Brick Linder with Linder Engineering Inc.

David Albright will continue as township manager, Cathy Martinelli as the secretary, treasurer and open records officer, David Scheller as roadmaster, and Tim McManus as township solicitor.

Some of the additional appointments that were approved include: H.M. Beers Inc., sewage enforcement officer; Jeryl Reinhart, alternate SEO; Mark Millis, soils scientist; Chris McDermott, township engineer; Blue Mountain Inspection Services, building code inspector; Berkheimer, earned income tax collector; Cathy Martinelli, earned income tax liaison; Linda Woehrle, deputy real estate tax collector; Robert Malinski, building and grounds; Matt Neeb, zoning/planning director; and Ryan Schlogl, Robert Malinski, Matt Neeb, Chris Eckert, Dave Scheller, Don Zipp, Mike Manfre Sr., Bob Geyer and Eric Hoffman, all as code enforcement officers.

“Matt (Neeb) will meet with them, so that they all take a different section of the ordinance,” Gould said.

The supervisors appointed Eric Hoffman as the emergency management coordinator. They also appointed several people to fill the emergency management positions. These candidates were selected by the West End Fire Company, Gould said. Among those to serve are John Murray and Chris Eckert as deputy emergency management coordinators. Don Zipp is the fire chief, and Chris Eckert is the fire marshal.

The supervisors also approved employee contracts, wages, holidays and the 2020 schedule of fees. The schedule sets the costs for various types of zoning permits, subdivision and land development fees, and building code inspection fees, to name a few.

The supervisors will continue to meet every first and third Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. Gould said the second meeting is canceled if there isn’t any business to discuss.

“It’s been great working with both of you,” Gould said to Eckert and Snyder, as they begin another year. He added that he thinks the township has a good team of people in place working both in the office and in positions in the township.

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