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2020 reorganization: Ross Twp. reorganizes, welcomes new personnel

Published January 08. 2020 01:12PM

During its first meeting of 2020, Ross Township supervisors and meeting attendees welcomed its new supervisor and new full-time secretary on Monday evening.

“Friends of mine thought I’d be a good fit for the office. I am retired from mechanical design, so I have years of experience as a problem solver. I thought it would help the township,” said Supervisor James Zahoroiko, a township resident for more than 30 years.

In the November 2019 election, he ran against Howard Beers Jr., who served 30 years as a township supervisor and two years on the planning commission.

Danielle Romano was hired three weeks ago as the full-time secretary. She replaced Doris Price, who retired in November after 22 years working for the township.

During a brief executive session to discuss personnel matters, the three supervisors voted to hire Sharon Steen at a rate of $20 per hour for 10 hours a week until March to train Romano. Steen was the township’s part-time secretary for about a decade until she retired in 2019.

Reorganization occurred during the first part of the meeting, in which Tina Drake was nominated as chairman and David Shay as vice chairman. Both accepted.

Romano was appointed as the secretary-treasurer and as the planning commission secretary.

Monthly meetings will remain the first Monday at 7 p.m. If a holiday occurs that day, the meeting will be held the following Monday.

Also during reorganization, supervisors named the following positions: Ethan Brewer remained the road foreman; Tim McManus is still the solicitor; engineer remains Russ Kresge of Keystone Consulting Engineers; agriculture secretary is Drake; codes and zoning officer is Bureau Veritas; inspection company UCC is also Bureau Veritas; sewage enforcement officer is Ryan Engler; planning commission solicitor is Dan Lyons; zoning solicitor is Jim Fareri; Frank Pirano was named to vacancy board; Drake will be the representative to the CJERP (Chestnuthill, Jackson, Eldred, Ross, Polk) regional group and Zahoroiko is the alternate; emergency management coordinator is Brian Stankovick; and CPA firm to perform 2019 audits is Kirk Summa and Company.

Supervisors voted to increase pay rate of the labor operator by 3 percent and said the part-time labor operator will remain at $19 per hour.

During new business, the supervisors reappointed David Corrado to the zoning board. They reappointed Judy Breidinger to West End Park and Open Space Commission and named Zahoroiko as the backup person to the WEPOSC.

Resident Martha Rezeli asked the supervisors if she could donate materials for two “little libraries” to put outside the township building.

“I’m a frequent visitor to the park. I like to sit here and read. I’d like to enhance literacy in our township,” she said.

One little library would be for adults, and the other would be filled with children’s books. The idea is that of give a book, take a book. Many other communities have these, she said.

She and supervisors agreed that construction of these libraries could very easily be a project for a local Eagle Scout.

“I think it’s a great idea,” Shay said.

A few people in the audience said they had books they would donate.

In other business

• Supervisors tabled discussion on the short-term rental ordinance until the February meeting, so they had more time to review it.

• The Flyte School roof needs to be replaced. Drake said she would contact slate companies. Supervisors also discussed contacting the county historical society for help in retaining the schoolhouse’s historical integrity and applying for grant money.

• Drake held up the Ross Township Historical Society’s 2020 calendar and said they were well done. They are available for a $10 donation per calendar. Some will be available at the township office for purchase.

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