Library expansion project to cost just under $400K
An expansion project at the Lehighton Area Memorial Library will cost just under $400,000.
On a 6-0 vote, borough council on Monday awarded the bid for the library expansion project to R.C. Construction Associates Inc. in the amount of $391,122.
The bid award was based on the recommendation of Keystone Consulting Engineering Inc. and the library board for the building addition at the library at 124 North St.
R.C. Construction was the low bidder for the project, with two other companies turning in proposals.
Library director Melissa Hawk said the library hopes to break ground on the addition in the spring.
Hawk said the library plans to launch a capital campaign within the next couple of weeks to help equip the building and replace some of the funds that will be taken from its operating reserve.
She said there will be naming opportunities available for those with loved ones they would like to memorialize.
Proposed work will include the construction of a proposed 29-by-50-foot addition.
The proposed improvements will also include all the required site improvements; the construction of a new ADA access ramp; and all necessary utility service connections.
Hawk said the library plans to use a Keystone Recreation Park and Conservation Fund Grant it received in the amount of $169,699 toward the building addition. She said it’s a matching grant, and the library will have to contribute to help meet the project cost.
The grant will be used for the construction project, which includes the 1,433-square-foot addition for youth services, community room, two ADA restrooms and a renovated front entrance.
Hawk said the addition will give the library many more options as far as programs are concerned, more space for the programs, and make it easier for people to come and spend time at the library.
She said it will also allow the library to move all of the children’s items into another area, give the library more room in the current area for adults to stay and be able to read, and the community room will give them a private place to meet.
Hawk said the library will also be open to community groups so that they also have another option of where to meet in the community, as the library has an average of just under 100 people coming through the building a day.
This marked the second time the project was bid out after borough council in November rejected the bids that were received after they came in between $100,000 to $200,000 over the library’s budget.
The borough received three bids at that time, including CMG Easton, $496,215; Bracy Construction, $548,500; and Multiscape Inc. $576,821.
As a result, the borough — in conjunction with the library — requested a 12-month extension from the Pennsylvania Department of Education, for which the library has been granted.
Twenty-seven public libraries in 18 counties were awarded $6.8 million in Keystone Grants to use toward improving physical facilities.
The Lehighton Area Memorial Library is open from 4 to 7 p.m. Mondays, 1 to 7 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesdays and Fridays, and 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturdays.
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The removal of rights is a function of school policy. Please lobby those opposing policy changes, and let's give the students the same rights they have in the public library and public park in our public, government schools.
Please lobby Directors Larry Stern, Rita Spinelli, Wayne Wentz and Steve Holland to change the oppressive laws cast upon these students.
Or, of you feel Lobby efforts are moot, since like me, have formed the opinion politicians listen their financial backers more that the the people, pic a better path. FILE FORMAL WRITTEN COMPLAINT against any existing policy you feel is allowing students to be harmed by sending THE OFFICIAL WRITTEN COMPLAINT to ALL the Directors, and as policy demands, Larry' Stern's wife's boss, the Superintendent, Jon Cleaver.
Here are the email addresses. Why they not all are listed on the LASD website? Really why? Well, who cares, here they are:
Larry Stern
Rita Spinelli
Nathan Foeller
Rusty Beltz
Joy Beers
Gail Maholick
David F. Bradley, Sr.
Wayne Wentz (Sharon)
Steve Holland
Jon Cleaver
Transparency works, empowering the people.
Force the government to take action using the Formal Written Complaint policy.
Petitions, individually sent to all the above become as a Formal Written Complaint, REQUIRES a response by your public servants.
Fixing this government takes proper lawful transparency, and the stakeholders to hold the government officials and staff accountable. Without a Formal Written Complaint, the stakeholders give the immoral weasels wiggle room. Make it happen.
Fill their inboxes, and thereby FORCING an answer. It is as simple as the Formal Written Complaint. Anything less, in my educated opinion is just asking for more lip service. This lack of proper goverance in my opinion, has lead to more harmed students and the administration and staff circling the wagons to protect their paychecks and not the students. Let's end the negative cycle that apparently exists.
So, Lehighton, are you ready to fix this?
Are you ready to take responsibility? Are you ready to take the lead and FORCE your public servants to listen to common sense and take action?
Or, do you want to write petitions. Do you want to give the public officials free toilet tissue? Please write a Formal Written Complaint, ensuring a response and actions in the lawful best interest of the community?
I'd be happy to see an full inbox of tell all letter about the issues, providing parental transparency, removing the evil ones from wiggle room. You do not have to name names, and I recommend you do not. (Endless you are filing the complaint with the police on their form). Now all we need is the rest of the community to do the right thing and file Formal Written Complaints.
Please share these keys to peacefully reforming the broken system known to me as our government run public educational system.
Citizen David F. Bradley, Sr.
Statement are made in my individual capacity as a citizen and not as a duly elected School Director. The evil ones probably do not endorse sharing these methods that hold our government accountable to the electorate, but restoring a government of, by and for for the people takes people willing to speak up, and stop the silence and madness we have witnessed.