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Coaldale dismisses treasurer

Published January 15. 2020 11:57AM

Coaldale will look for a new borough treasurer after council fired the old one Tuesday night for undisclosed reasons.

During the monthly meeting, council voted 6-0 to not renew the contract of Anissa Nunemacher, and separate her from her employment. Councilman Frank Hutta was absent.

Nunemacher, who served more than five years in the part-time position, was not available for comment following the meeting.

Councilwoman Anne Girard, who introduced the motion to remove Nunemacher, said she could not comment on the removal because the situation is still under investigation.

Council then voted to place an advertisement seeking applicants to fill the position.

During Nunemacher’s monthly report to council, prior to the vote, she faced questions from Councilwoman Claire Remington about one of the borough’s bank accounts.

Nunemacher brought up the account with Pennsylvania Local Government Investment Trust because she said it contained $15,000, which could possibly be used to cover the borough’s increasing pension obligations. She said she believed that the borough had previously used the account to deposit revenue from its pension property tax.

Remington questioned how long Nunemacher knew about the account, and why she didn’t do more to determine its purpose.

“Since you found it the other day you didn’t call anywhere to even inquire about what it could be used for, if we could transfer it into the other account, anything to help us out. Am I correct?”

Other business

• Council voted to have Municibid take over billing for sewer transmission fees. The firm already handles the borough’s sanitation bills. Borough Secretary Suzanne Whildin said Municibid will put the bills in envelopes instead of on postcards, providing more privacy for residents. She said it will cost the borough about $20-30 more per billing cycle than it would to do the billing in house.

• Whildin said the borough office will be closed Friday, Tuesday and Wednesday in addition to Monday for the Martin Luther King Jr. Day holiday.

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