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Extension hosts water workshop, testing

Published January 18. 2020 06:40AM

Penn State Extension has received funding from the Rural Community Assistance Partnership and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to provide no-cost drinking water testing to a limited number of homeowners in Lehigh County using private water wells, springs or cisterns.

The testing is for private water supplies that are actively being used for drinking water in the household or rental unit. Camps or seasonal households that are not continuously used are not eligible for this program.

The commercial value of this water testing would be $135.

This testing is limited to the first 42 households using a private well, spring or cistern that registering at the by calling 1-877-345-0691. Once you register, you can pick up your drinking water test kit at the Penn State Extension office at the Lehigh County Agricultural Center, 4184 Dorney Park Road, Room 104, Allentown, PA 18104.

Instructions on how to collect the water sample are included in the kit. The kits must be dropped off at the Extension office between 8 a.m. and noon on either Feb. 11 or Feb. 25 (the exact drop-off date will be provided in your test kit).

Results of your testing will be available during two separate one-hour workshops to be held at 3 or 6 p.m. on March 26 at Lehigh County Agricultural Center, 4184 Dorney Park Road, Room 104, Allentown, Pa. 18104.

You will be asked to attend one of these workshops to get your water test results. A brief 30-minute presentation will also be given including professional interpretation of your results and information on how to solve drinking water problems.

Call 610-391-9840 for information.

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