It’s the Reader’s Turn at Slatington Elementary School Rocco Landosca, fifth grade “Get $5 every day, because I’m saving for a phone.” Brandi Kunkle, fifth grade “Olympic horse riding, cause I like horses.” Mylz Miller, sixth grade “Play music, because it brings me joy in dark times. After my mom passed away, it helped me.” Jayden Rehrig, third grade “Play football, because once I was little, I started to like football and ever since I’m playing it every weekend.” Kylee Truett, third grade “Making arts and crafts, because I like to be creative, and I like making new things.” Isabella Force, fourth grade “Perform, because I’ve been acting, singing and dancing. It’s one of my favorite things to do.” Published January 18. 2020 06:45AM <p>By Terry Ahner</p><p></p> Tags Lehigh County Slatington Log in or register to post comments