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Weatherly school board discusses policies

Published January 22. 2020 11:21AM

The Weatherly Area School Board has a long list to tackle when it meets tonight, including a first reading of revisions to school policies on visitors, parents relations, government relations, citizens advisory committees and community engagement, news and publicity.

There’s also a revision to the suspension and expulsion policy.

During the Jan. 15 board work session, the board reviewed a staffing and service agreement for technology with Britewise IT Services of Pittsburgh, which is expected to save money (versus the current arrangement with the I.U.), and provide move tech services for everything — computers to phones.

Cost is projected at between $41,000 for a part-time tech person to $82,000 for someone five days a week.

A Sports Medicine Services agreement is in the works with St. Luke’s University Health Network and the district will get a closer look tonight.

The agreement supplies trainers for the athletic program, and also gives sponsorship money toward athletics — $3,000 in the first year, then $1,500. Rules about care and referrals to St. Luke’s doctors and programs were questioned, noting that some families have insurances that send them elsewhere, like Lehigh Valley or Geisinger. Board solicitor Chris Slusser will have a closer look at the language.

Construction work is moving along, with a credit for reduced doors and hardware, and a revision to remove Romex wiring at a cost of $83,700.

Quotes are coming in for new cafeteria tables for the middle school, with the preferred configuration of bench-style tables with convertible features. The purchase, through PA COSTARS, is part of the construction project.

In other business, the board will approve the use of the high school cafeteria for the Packer Township Zoning Board hearings in February.

Business manager Natasha Milazzo was named as delegate to the Carbon County Tax Committee, with Board member Bill Knepper as alternate.

The board would like the Carbon Career & Technical Institute to send a representative to go over its budget.

Snow make up days are added on Feb. 14 and April 9. These dates were built into the calendar, and make up for the two used so far.

The regular board meeting is this at 7 tonight at the Weatherly Area Middle School’s L.G.I. Room. Park in the large lot behind the middle school gym.

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