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Proposed Wolf budget calls for raise in minimum wage; state police fee

Published February 04. 2020 05:36PM

Highlights of Pennsylvania governor’s state budget proposal

By The Associated Press undefined

HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) — Highlights of Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf’s spending plan for the 2020-21 budget year that starts July 1:


— Increases spending through the state’s main bank account to $36.1 billion. Including nearly $600 million for the current fiscal year, Wolf is seeking authorization for another $2.6 billion in new spending, or 7.6% of this year’s enacted budget of $34 billion.

— Projects a 4.5% increase in tax collections to $37.3 billion, before refunds. Does not increase tax rates on sales or income, the state’s two biggest sources of revenue.

— Asks lawmakers to expand a bond-funded redevelopment grant program by $1 billion and make the money available for the cleanup of lead, asbestos and other environmental health hazards in school buildings.

— Calls for lawmakers to raise the state minimum wage to $12 an hour on July 1, up from the federal minimum of $7.25 an hour.


— CORPORATE INCOME TAXES: Restructures how the state would calculate corporate profits to adopt “combined reporting” and reduces the current 9.99% tax rate by annual steps to 5.99% in 2025. The change is estimated to produce an additional $240 million in revenue in 2020-21.

— STATE POLICE FEE: To help fund the state police budget, imposes a fee on each municipality that would be driven by incidents and coverage area, and weighted by population, income and whether a municipality has its own full-time or part-time police force. The administration estimates the fee would produce $136 million.

— MUNICIPAL WASTE: Imposes an increase of $1 per ton on municipal waste hauling to generate $22.6 million for the Hazardous Sites Cleanup Fund, which is projected to be out of money at the end of 2020.

— GAS DRILLING: Seeks approval of a tax on Marcellus Shale natural gas production to underwrite a $4.5 billion “Restore Pennsylvania” infrastructure program. Using estimates of 2019 production and a price of below $3, the tax would yield more than $600 million in a year.


— Delays a $377 million payment to providers for long-term programs for the elderly.

— Taps $275 million in surplus cash already appropriated, but left unspent in state accounts.


— HUMAN SERVICES: Grows $1.2 billion, or 9%, to $14.4 billion.

— PRE-K and K-12 EDUCATION: Grows $170 million, or 2%, to $9.2 billion.

— HIGHER EDUCATION: Grows $58 million, or 3%, to $1.8 billion.

— CORRECTIONS AND PAROLE: Shrinks $73 million, or 3%, to $2.6 billion.

— PENSIONS: Grows about $150 million, or 4%, to $3.7 billion.

— STATE POLICE: Grows $45 million, or 4%, to $1.4 billion.

— DEBT: Grows $6 million, or 0.5%, to $1.15 billion.


— Increases aid for general public school operations and instruction by $100 million for basic instruction and operations, an increase of 1.5%, to $6.9 billion.

— Calls for every school district to provide free, full-day kindergarten. The administration did not estimate how much such a move would cost.

— Diverts more than $200 million in revenues from a tax on slot-machine gambling that subsidizes the state’s horse racing industry to fund scholarships for students at a State System of Higher Education university if they remain in Pennsylvania for as long as they receive the benefit.

— Establishes a statewide cyber-charter school tuition rate that would save $133 million a year for school districts.

— Changes special education reimbursements for charter schools to save $147 million a year for school districts.

We know a Democrat will tax and spend, but the way this Governor spends, points directly to where his campaign money comes from... Political Action Committee (PAC) funds from civil service unions. Teachers, Police, and so forth. Don't you see this as what Conservative Patriots warn against? You don't see this as a bi-product of socialism? When the government becomes the employer, all power goes to that government, and the people get rolled.
Wake up Pennsylvanians.
It's time to cast off the fetters of the Democrat Party.
Take away that PAC money, make PA a Right to Work State.
It's time to Make Pennsylvania Great Again.
Turn this keystone state deep red. Register, and vote!
This State is Deep Red, but you apparently do not realize it. The Minimum wage needs to be increased. Don't see that happening anytime soon. The many Food Banks in our area are testimony to the local economy.
The L-o-n-g-e-s-t time clapping last night occurred on decreasing food money for the poor.
Gotta Love the Trumpers.
Not true. If it was the longest clap, it's rejoicing over people working again.
Did you know that the greater the government's roll is for individual welfare the less freedom the people have? The general welfare clause in our Constitution isn't about personal "welfare for individuals". It was exactly the opposite. The government was permitted to spend money only to advance the "general" welfare, which translates to spending on that which will be used by all citizens. If the government spends money to feed a particular person, the rest of the general population is denied access to that government spending and it violates the constitution.
Welfare is to be from on person to another person, not through government. But we've gone so far in to socialism, that you'd never understand or accept that.
My church and my fellow Christians do much for those around us.
Don't you think there would be better accountability that way?
Oh... wages are decided by the person writing the check, and the recipient.
And what is wrong with cheering that more people are now able to provide for themselves, thus reducing their dependence on the the rest of society?
Nothing wrong with people that are able to take care of themselves.
The clapping was disgusting and shows who the Republicans are and what they stand for.
Trump has no empathy or compassion for the less fortunate and does not understand the issue of poverty what so ever.
Please explain Country Girl, about Trump not understanding the issue of poverty. Unemployment rate at a 50 year low; less money being deducted from your paycheck (Federal Income Tax); etc...Please explain so that maybe we can understand.
Trump rejects that Government should have a major role in reducing poverty - and believes our country has defeated poverty > info from 2018.
Tried to take away the Affordable Care Act and Medicaid expansion for Health Care for the poor.
Increased Rent Housing prices in low income areas.
* Gave big tax cuts for the wealthy and upper middle class but recently reduced money for food for the poor. Gotta Love that One !
I have not found any Trump Doctrine for the less fortunate except his bragging about all the jobs he has provided.

You might want to check Ohio who lost Carrier. Small Farms that will no longer get subsidies but large Corporate Farms will. Harley-Davidson that went overseas. John-Deer Product sales that have declined in Iowa.
2019 - Jobs lost. PA 8,000 - Ohio 6,000 - Michigan 6,500 - Wisconsin 4,700 - Western PA lost a big chunk. Look it up.
Citizen -What say you about Poverty in the U.S.

In addition this morning to his sick rant about Dems at the Prayer Breakfast the President turned away, looked down and did not clap when the Keynote speaker Arthur Brooks spoke about "Love".
This is your President, Trumpers, he is so very, very vacant inside it is pathetic.

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