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Democratic Club to hold information meeting on candidates, petition signing party

Published February 05. 2020 12:58PM

The Palmerton Area Democratic Club will discuss “Who’s Running? An Informational Meeting on All the Democratic Primary Candidates,” and have a petition signing party at 7 p.m. Feb. 11 at The Tasting Room at This N That Finds U, 380 Delaware Ave., Palmerton across from the Palmerton Library.

This event is free and open to registered Democrats.

An optional social hour will precede the meeting at 6:30 p.m. There will be snacks along with beverages (wine, beers, hard cider, spirits, coffee, tea and hot chocolate) available for purchase. Bring your own mug for a discount on hot beverages. No need to RSVP.

For more information, visit the club’s Facebook Page, Palmerton Area Democratic Club, or contact club President Sarina Berlow at, or 610-597-0106.

Obstruction Impeachment, Wine, Beers, Hard Cider, Evil Spirits and free food is about the only thing that party has to offer it anymore. I switched party years ago.
Whatever... Let's all remember to register to vote.

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