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Pleasant Valley High School honor roll, second marking period, 2019-20 school year

Published February 06. 2020 12:30PM

Pleasant Valley High School has released its honor roll and distinguished honor roll for the second marking period of the 2019-20 school year.

Distinguished honor roll

Grade 9: Albert, Chelsea T.; Alicea, Kaelin Eileen; Altemus, Brinley Raelynne; Azzalina, Sophia L.; Ballek, Sarah E.; Baran, Izabela Maria; Barruzza JR, James A.; Bauman, Gavin J.; Beskovic, Dino; Bruckman, William Thomas; Bunting, John; Carey, Samantha G.; Chechel, Megan Dawn; Chong, Kristen; Conarty, Grant A.; Dalrymple, Triniti Elizabeth; Dishong, Sara E.; Edwards, Giavanna J.; Fanelli, Derek A.; Fava, Madison C.; Ferris, Kristen Nicole; Flurer, Kaylee Anna; Foster, Alyssa; Gately, Emily G.; George, Onious J.; Gower, Julia A.; Hansen, Helene M.; Harris, Caia M.; Hedgelon, Owen C.; Holdorff, Mason P.; Hudson, Ashley C.; Hyland, Mattison E.; James, Jaclyn M.; Janiszewski, Paige Kimberly; Jarder, Frederick Ryan Ledra; Jones, Nora B.; Jonke Jr, Frank Paul; Kostovich, Audrey; Kostovich, Mallory A.; Kovacs, Ashley Nicole; Lance, Alexus Jade; Lawrence, Kristen Jaye; Leonard, Aiden F.; Loch, Nathan; Lucchese, Danielle M.; Mann, Lindsay B.; Mohammed, Alex Nicholas; Morales, Frankie J.; Moscicki, Victoria; Muir, Ella K.; Nemia, Mia Esther; Noel, Briana C.; O’Brien, Molly; Olaniyan, Oluwafeola Oluwanifemi; Pecorale, Gabriella M.; Ramirez, Anaid; Reese, McKayla Rose; Riebel, Brianna D.; Roberti, Dominic Anthony; Rosenberg, Jordan A.; Rother, Colden B.; Rubino, Amara Lynn; Ruggiero, Reese; Saitta, Maria N.; Shupp, Kassidy Ryane; Smith, Cassia Michelle; Soto-Semidey, Lishka A.; Stephens, Reilly Finn; Tauer, Sophia M.; Vartholomeos, Gianna Aimee; Wharton, Jacob Scott; Williams, Cameron; Yu, Duorongrong; Zagroba, Olivia Stephanie.

Grade 10: Accilien, Isaiah J.; Akob, Tyler Joseph; Altman, Olivia Rose; Bard, Naomi Elizabeth; Bien, Rebecca Leigh; Bogli Jr, Jonathan Michael; Bush, Alexandra Mary Constance; Castillo, Ellyot Mario; Charles, Kayla C.; Correll, Tyler Kazimierz; Covel, Joshua M.; Danny, Kyle Stephen; Darling, Johnathan William; Dickerson, Charmaine T.; Dixon, Dylan Jace; Dooner, Zachary; Ertle, Jack Stephen; Francois Jr, Donald S.; Gallegos, Andy Francisco; Gentles, Kailee; Gethen, Jacob Craig; Gilham, Adia Mercedez; Glissmann, Hailey; Gordon, Atticus Maxwell; Hagenbuch, Hannah Marie; Haines, Joshua Edward; Hayes, Amanda Renee; Hoeverman, Andreas Michael; Hughes, Patrick E.; Janotti, Damen Fredrick; Johnson, Kevin R.; Kautzsch, Jordan Leilani; Knudsen, Samuel M.; Kratzer, Eve Elizabeth; Krial-Victor, Anastasia Svetlana; LoPresti, Nicholas Vincent; Lovito IV, Thomas; Lursen, Raymond Thomas; Major, Jeremy Adam; Mann, Tyler Logan; Martin, Emma Nicole; Matera, Anthony N.; Mattson, Maryam Samin; Maxwell, Samantha Paige; Mead, Dana Nicole; Mertz, Ian Matthew; Morgan, Drew Mackenzie; Mostkiewicz, Peyton Skye; Nagy, Elliot Jude; Newton, Alfredo Superior; Nonnemaker, Aaron M.; O’Neil, Jacob Riley; Onubogu, Augustina Ngozi; Patel, Meghaben Mukeshbhai; Pepe, Dylan A.; Pepe, Eric A.; Pridham, Alexa Robi; Rakoski, Kristin Megan; Ramsay, Kendyl S.; Sinisko, Ava Colleen; Smith, Daelynn Marie; Syracuse, James Joel; Tivenan, Julianna Priscilla; Tucker, Matthew Hook; Weddermann, Shawna Leigh; Wetzel, Colin W.; Williams, Aliyah Nicole; Williams, Brittany Morgan; Wills, Kaed Hansen; Wolff, Ian Ross; Wolski, Matthew William; Zerilli, Jenna Christine.

Grade 11: Accilien, Elijah Joseph; Alles, Jake Albert Lawrence; Alvarez, Olivia L.; Amaru, John Keoni; Anderson, Ryan Scott; Arauz, Diana Karla; Babu, Laura Kristen; Barrett, Emma B.; Benincasa, Brianna Faith; Benzak, Michael Robert; Bobb-Duberry, Tamara Sasha; Bower, Savhanna; Capan, Erhan; Carbone, Giuseppe Adamo; Catalfamo, Sergio Vincent; Celia, Joanna Gabriella; Ceres, Raymond Wayne; Cheung, Annie; Chiong, Miranda Neisy; Chung, Leilani Marie; Colucci, Jacquelyn Rose; Coman, Cody Michael; Coyle, Aidan Michael; Coyle, Brendan Edward; Crane, Kendell Rebecca; Cruci, Aurora A.; Deihl, Caitlin Elizabeth; DeReinzi, Mikayla; DeSanto, Caleb Pierce; DeYoung, Julia Helen; Dolan, Brendan Patrick; Dowling, Abigail Rose; Erhardt, Matthew Michael; Farooqi, Afifa; Feldman, Jonathan Craig; Fisher, Brittany Mao; Frable, Ehrin Moira; Gaddy, Brandon Robert; Gaddy, Madison Elizabeth; Garced, Joshua Noah; Gower, Ernest Mark; Haughton, Kailyn; Havens, Jaxon Xavier; Healy, Shylah Teresa; Howell, Rory Braeden; Jackman, Emma M.; Janak, Jozef Alexander; Jauregui, Kaylla Kimberly; Kajetzke, Ryan Kenneth; Karaman, Tristan Bo; Karas, Olivia M.; Kaye, Jack Robert; Keller, Taylor Jane; Kish, Briella Jayne; Knaak, Evan Daniel; Knapp, Gentry W.; Kresge, Reece Michael; Larregui, Gabrielle Grace; Larregui, Isabella Marie; Lopez, Christopher Thomas; Lovell, Anthony; Makrides, Peter Nicholas; Milanese, Irina Lumena; Moody, Hannah May; Moore, Tyler Steele; Moreo, Gianna Helen Louise; Neri, Alexis Nicole; Norlander, Melody R.; O’Neal, J’Sean Hector; O’Neill, Madison Olivia; Ottman, Steven James; Parisi, Lexie Jane; Patel, Jay Kumar Mukish; Petrilak, Braden John; Plis, Estera; Po JR, Cimarron Zarate; Price, Tyler Justin; Ramirez, Daniel; Ramsay, Kyli R.; Reid, Shawn P.; Robinson, Kacey Mae; Rolled, Amanda Lynn; Romanoski, Danielle Nicole; Rueb, Julia Patricia; Scully, Mary Paige; Segeda, Logan Peter; Shonk, Alec Brian; Shonk, Justin Dylan; Skurjunis, Skylar McKenzie; Smeraldo, Erin Marie; Smeraldo, Lauren Carol; Smith, Greta S.; Stanhope, Hannah E.; Stivala, Brayden Scott; Storm, Summer Ann; Strohl, Zachary M.; Tartaglia, Sarah Elizabeth; Thompson, Aleelah R.; Thourot, Kara Nicole; Treulieb, Trinity Rose; Triantis, Reiss P.; Waltermyer, Nicholas R.; Walters, Alexandra L.; Wasdyke, Riley Connor; Wawrzynski, Brian R.; Weichand, John C.; Wiensko, Karolina; Wraga, Caroline.

Grade 12: Altemose, Katie L.; Andino, Rebecca Corrine; Angell, Teagan K.; Balbuena, Jason E.; Balzano, Joseph J.; Berry, John W.; Beskovic, Anela; Bobb-Duberry, Tyler J.; Bobowski, Kristin R.; Bonefede, Brandan Matthew; Borger, Addison Elizabeth; Brown, Neija Marie; Cerbone, William Z.; Chou, Andrew; Clifford, Piper Ranae; Conto, Rachel E.; Covart, Connor James; Debska, Michalina Wiktoria; Diaz, Yoselyn Estephanie; Dimarco, Danielle N.; Evans, David D.; Farley, Nyjeria Taylor; Fette, Tyler A.; Finkelstein, Amanda Ashleigh; Fisher-Perez, Ethan Daniel; Fisher-Perez, Evan Michael; Foster, Jesse Wyatt; Fulper, Sarah J.; Garcia, Hunter J.; Gethen, Emily J.; Getz, Olivia L.; Ghin, Steffan Andrei; Gimblet, Dayna Lynn; Gonzalez, Kaitlyn Elizabeth; Gordon, Anna R.; Haddock, Bethany P.; Haffner, Kayse Elizabeth; Herna, Austin Z.; Holden, Tristyn K.; Holdorff, Sawyer T.; Hook, Amanda M.; Howell, Brina S.; Ibrahim, Ayah Amal; Jiunta-Baker, Aemelia R.; Joseph, Sarah; Kearns, Kory M.; Kearns, Mychal P.; Kraeutler, Emelina F.; Kuehner, Nicole V.; Larregui, Moises A.; Leighty, Alexis K.; Leonard, Rebekah E.; Lopez, Juliana M.; Madeira, Sydney K.; Makrides, Rebecca Mary; Marini, Giovanni M.; Markowski, Alexander A.; Marks, Canyon James; McIntyre, Lorien J.; Mesce, Lucianne M.; Mollica, Annamaria V.; O’Neil, Madison T.; Olsen, Christina S.; Ortiz, Herbert; Purgar, Ryan Jc; Ramachandran, Viganesh; Reinhard, Fiona; Rodriguez, Ryan; Schaefer, Madeline E.; Schaffner, Joshua C.; Sekol, Nathan Thomas; Shaffer, Collin J.; Smith, Kyle J.; Smith, Ryan K.; Smith, Zachary J.; Sobers, Kayla Xinhan; Steidle, Hailey Ann; Strohl, Emma; Thomas, Alexis R.; Tofil, Natalie A.; Tyner, Dominic J.; Wagner, Alyssa S.; Wierzba, Lauryn Maria; Williams, Ashley L.; Winders, Gavin D.; Yip, Brendan L.

Honor roll

Grade 9: Adamski, Matthew David; Baker, Kara Lorae; Barragan, Sofia; Barrett, Michael B.; Burlew, Emma E.; Daigneault, Christopher V.; Dunaway, Sherri L.; Farmer, Madison R.; Gabriele, Vincent Nicholas; Greenzweig, Trenton; Henry, Chase Nichole Vanessa; Izzo, Michael; Kaminski, Patrycja; Keefe, Logan S.; Keller, Trista A.; Knapp, Braxton B.; Knappenberger, Shane M.; Kosmulski, Patryk M.; Lacoe, Shannon; Larocca, Kamryn Michael-Kaiden; Madurki, Alyssa N.; Marino, Ryan Jaymes; Marshall, Ziara E.; Matera, Thomas J.; Mostosky, Benjamin M.; O’Neill, Brian M.; Parasram, Chelsia; Rakoski, Madalyn R.; Riebel, Avianna J.; Rodriguez, Natalie; Sawah, Mohab S.; Schubert, Jason C.; Schwartz, Gabriella; Shaffer, Caiden J.; Stephani V, William Joseph; Trout, Sophia Kathleen; Tyner, Jackson M.; Weddermann, Samantha; Wiggins, Jake A.; Wright, Raegan E.

Grade 10: Akpo, Angela Marie; Arthur, Dean Patrick; Asendorf, Sarah Marie; Baker, Shawn Christopher; Bass, Ariana Arie; Batstone, Lauren E.; Borger, Haydyn Patrick; Brennan, John Joseph; Burlew, Braden H.; Carroll, Jacob Bryant; Cimerol, Norman John; Delgado, Gabriela Isabelle; Drew, De’Nair Denise; Droll, Sean Francis; Edgar, Blake C.; Finley, Zuri Brunei; Foster, Jenna Marie; Freeman, Donald Chester; Gass, Juliette Ruth; Green, Aidan Michael; Hayes, Joseph Charles; Jacobi, Nathan Alan; Jozwiak, Marek; Kaminski, Kara A.; Kenney, Kaitlyn Marie; Klinges, Christopher Anthony; Kneisly, Kloie Anne Marie; Lerro, Emma; Lesnik, Edward Raymond; Lesoine, Shawn Christopher; Lillman, Cheyenne Rose; Mclnaw, Brielle Lynn; Meli, Antonio Thomas; Meli, Noah Rane; Merklin, Samantha Denise; Moon, Nyia Monee; Muhr-Keskin, Kayleigh Madison; Nam, Young; Roberti, Emilee Mae; Rogers, Brian P.; Rommel, Lucas Preston; Sepulveda, Isabel Ellis; Sopanski, Damian J.; Stintsman, Hayle Marie Ann; Vanderschans, Tori Faith; Weaver, Alexa Jade; Williams, Kaitlin J.

Grade 11: Arnold, Zachary Charles; Bauman, Ethan Moore; Bozeman-Johnson, Nathan B.; Cardone, Jasmine Lynn; Cardoza, Teah G.; Carroll, John Patrick; Day, Aaren Melody; Donatelli, Jillian Kristen; Ferris, Kelly Ann; Georgieva, Viktoriya Georgieva; Glenn, Brandon L.; Guzman, Adam Alvaro; Hudson, Nathaniel S.; landoli, Edward; Jackson, Madison Elizabeth; Keita, Fanta; Kephart, Sara Morgan; Knappenberger, Megan R.; Kotara, Justin S.; Kowalski, Anthony; Lugo, Gabriel Isaiah; Martinetti, Michael Nicholas; Meade, Jamari Alexander; Meek, Miranda Elizabeth; Mingora, Grace Elee; Moser, Madison Jean; Robinson, Rylee M.; Sidmore, Savanna Lynn; Slack, Lena; Tamraz, Kayla M.; Vanhorn, Kiley M.; Walters, Zachary A.; Wimmer, Christopher R.; Wines, Jonathan R.; Zielinski, Olivia.

Grade 12: Arndt, Carly E.; Awe, Christal C.; Batista, Joshua S.; Beerwa, Madison E.; Bui, Eric Q.; Franklin, Kaitlyn Rose; Frankunas, Sara L.; Gesell, Olivia Rose; Greenzweig, Dallas; Hicks, Katherine E.; Holmes, Mason Charles; Huang, Tina; Hunter, Hannah D.; James, Owen P.; Kautzsch, Jade F.; Kosmulski, Rebeka E.; Luhauskaya, Aliaksandra; Madurki, Victoria P.; Mattson, Michael Edward; Meckes, Kayleigh S.; Ostrowski, Lucas R.; Pepper, Elizabeth Rose; Pio, Sara G.; Piszczatowski, Sebastian; Santiago, MaKayla Destiny; Venegas, Deven Aysel; Wagner, Riley K.; White, Yazmin N.; Worden, Faith E.

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