Kidder art map upsets some businesses
A recently printed art-based attractions map of Kidder Township has some township business owners upset.
Business owners came to the recent Kidder Township board of supervisors meeting to voice their displeasure about the map and being left off both the art side and the advertising side. By the group’s count, at least 29 businesses aren’t on the map. None of the business owners who came to the meeting were asked for advertising either.
Project coordinator Supervisor Barbara Franzosa explained that the map is the result of a grant received “several years ago … that paid for the art.” The advertising paid for printing 5,000 copies. When the ad spaces were filled, no more calls were made.
After a bit of discussion, supervisors agreed to put out the existing copies, then coordinate for a new map with new art and more ads to be ready for June.
The ads would have to be much smaller to fit everyone. It’s hoped to have the map updated and reprinted yearly.
Police, EMS
Police Chief Matthew Kuzma reported that the township and Jim Thorpe Area School District have completed an agreement for Kidder Township Police to provide a School Resource Officer for the Penn-Kidder Campus. The SRO would need to be hired and receive special training before being posted.
Supervisors approved a proposal from Rottet Motors/Kovatch for a new police package Ford Explorer, to be bought on a lease. Details remained on the lease and delivery.
Kuzma, in his regular report, noted that having extra police — paid for by a county grant — on duty during the holiday weekend made a big difference. He will have extra police on again for the WMMR Cardboard Classic on March 6.
Lake Harmony Fire Chief Ralph Lennon offered special praise to the Kidder Police Department for the “great job” in their response to the house fire on Route 940 last month. Police were first at the scene. Thanks were also offered to other responders. The full team at the fire prevented the home, which was heavily aflame, from burning to the ground. This thanks was echoed by supervisors.
Carbon County Commissioner Chris Lukasevich attended met with board Chairman Thom Bradley, who invited him to sit with supervisors afterward for an informal session. Lukasevich was there to offer extra help to supervisors with getting better radio coverage for the township for emergency personnel. He had brought a map of cell towers in the area where antennas can be mounted to fix this issue.
Other business
Supervisors were unanimous in approving Lake Harmony Estates’ preliminary/final plan for the replacement of the clubhouse with a modern pavilion. The project also includes a new dry hydrant at the lake to be coordinated with Lennon.
Township Manager Suzanne Brooks reported that Kidder will now accept credit cards for payments, with a 2.95% convenience fee.
The township was provided an agreement for a 10-space parking lot beside the new township hike and bike trail, on property provided by L&P Partners, for a five-year lease at $1 a year. On a related note, Brooks asked supervisors to approve a feasibility study and appraisal of a property proposed to become a township park. The study and appraisal will help in getting grants for the project. Supervisors approved this unanimously.
The next regular meeting of Kidder Township supervisors will be at 6:30 p.m. March 19, at the township building in Lake Harmony.