Main Street grants available for Carbon projects
The Greater Lehigh Valley Chamber of Commerce Foundation’s mission is to improve the appearance and vitality of every main street in the Lehigh Valley, and this includes Carbon County communities.
In keeping with the goal of urban revitalization, grant dollars help to fund a variety of projects intended to visually enhance our downtowns and surrounding traditional neighborhoods.
This is the 13th year that these grants have been made available for downtown and surrounding traditional neighborhood revitalization and improvements projects within the Lehigh Valley and Carbon County.
Organizations eligible to apply include local government; including, but not limited to, counties, cities, boroughs and townships; municipal and redevelopment authorities and agencies; and nonprofit 501c3 organizations.
The Chamber Foundation funds may be used for downtown and surrounding traditional neighborhood revitalization and improvement projects.
Projects should meet one or more of the following: be visible within the community; show partnership or collaboration with others; support business retention or expansion; are consistent with the local revitalization strategy; demonstrate geographic diversity; improve existing or develop new facilities; leave a lasting impact in the community; are submitted on behalf of a recognized main street program or volunteer group.
About the grant:
• Eligible projects may include but are not limited to: banners, benches, decorative lighting, gateway signs, landscaping, planters, bicycle racks, directional signage, informational kiosks, murals, outdoor seating, holiday decorations.
Proposals are due on May 31 for projects to be completed between July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021
• At least a 50% match is required (if you are requesting $2,000, you must show receipts of at least $4,000.
• Recipients may be asked to submit before and after photos of projects
• Visit the CCEDC’s homepage at and download grant information and application.