Schuylkill Township moves forward with examining its code
Schuylkill Township decided to move forward with the codification agreement at the monthly meeting Monday evening.
The board of supervisors unanimously motioned to contact codification account manager Michael Peter to discuss next steps.
The codification agreement outlines a plan to properly align laws and local rules in accordance to state regulations. The act of codifying township legislature will also prevent contradictions in local ordinances.
The document also references Schuylkill Township’s desire to improve transparency between the township and its people. The quote includes five printed copies of the new code, promising additional copies as requested, as well as an easily searchable online version for the public.
There are three services offered including eCode360 Lite, Standard eCode360, and Premium eCode360. The quote for the Premium package at an estimated project price of $8,925 was chosen.
Other business
Complaints from residents regarding roads full of mud and rock have come to the township’s attention. Roads in question include Dutch Hill and Valley Street.
The supervisors specified that the trucks belonging to a local coal company seem to be the reason for the road difficulties. In addition to the dirt, there were concerns about the weight of the trucks on the road.
One of the residents attending Monday’s meeting advised the board to file a report to the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection. The resident also recalled one of the local policemen being a PennDOT officer and suggested that the officer should be able to make a phone call regarding the matter.
After further discussing alternate routes that the coal company could take, Christopher Slusser, township solicitor, confirmed with the board that they would be permitted to approach the company to ask them to redirect their trucks.