Jim Thorpe parking dispute
I am responding to a Times News article "Dispute may lead to parking ordinance," dated March 18. I'm the guy on the other side of the street. This is not a dispute; this is a vision problem.
I have parked there for 51 years, and there have been no accidents, no complaints, no damaged property and no faulty road issues. Therefore my car parking is not a precedent in this situation.
If someone has a vision problem, I believe they should have been seen and verified by a physician. Proof of a vision problem should be reported to Motor Vehicles and to the council. I believe nothing was done.
Looking down the street, there is a clearance of 108 feet. There is a proposed one car ordinance for no parking for 175 feet down the street. Looking up the street directly next to her driveway there are trees, bushes, etc. about 1 foot off the roadway from Ms. Hydro's driveway. Obviously Ms. Hydro doesn't have a vision problem going up the street. No parking sign required there.
I never attended borough meetings with borough President Greg Strubinger or spoke to him about a parking situation. Ms. Hydro had police on her property twice. Her only concern was that I was parked on her property. The police said I could park there. The mayor said I could park there. This went on for five or six months. No vision problem was ever mentioned.
I believe that when Ms. Hydro realized that I was not parked on her property she got a vision problem after five or six months.
Being a schoolteacher, why would she take action five or six months later? Her number one issue was I'm parked on her land. Her number one issue should have been a vision problem. She doesn't have a vision problem directly along her driveway where trees are directly right next to her driveway going in the opposite direction.
On Oct. 17, 2015,there were about 12 cars parked on the roadway (where she is having a vision problem) right up to her driveway. Her only vision problem is one car parked 108 feet from her driveway on a borough roadway. As senior citizens, I believe my wife and I are being bullied.
Al Lasky
Jim Thorpe