Board ignores will of People
I was very disappointed to read in the Times News that Judge Nanovic appointed David Krause to the Lehighton School Board. Although voters chose to remove him from office several years ago, the judge chose to reappoint him. Why?
On the surface, it appears rational to appoint someone with experience to the school board. But many rumors surround the political influence exercised to make sure the right person was appointed that would back the building project. All new board members have to deal with a learning curve, including Mr. Krause. Therefore, experience should not have been an essential qualification for this appointment.
One would think that the will of the voters should have taken precedence, as past practice on the board was to select the next highest vote-getter in the election for appointment. But the sitting school board, being saddled with a tie since the passing of Mr. Hill, chose not to follow that practice. But rather, deadlocked over this building project.
At the very least, they should have replaced Mr. Hill with a like-minded individual. The establishment, led by Ms. Bowman and Mr. Cleaver, chose to play politics and ignored the will of the voters. Following the will of the voters obviously did not follow their agenda. A judge should have had the common sense to figure that out.
Look, who wouldn't want a fancy new building filled with the finest of everything for our children when we can make others pay for it? But the cost needs to be justified and the taxpayers should have the final say. If I want a new tractor for my farm, I justify the cost and I pay for it. If you want a new building, justify the cost and put it before the taxpayers in the form of a referendum on the ballot.
When so many people in our area don't have a pot to you-know-what-in, elected officials should be extremely frugal on how our tax dollars are spent. Instead they say suck-it-up, shut up and just pay for it.
What's it going to take to bring back common sense and return to a government of the people, by the people and for the people?
Richard Fedor