Development welcome in county
Development is welcome in county
Dear Editor,
Finally, somebody gets it! Develop an area of Carbon County, and bring in employers.
I would like to think that our county commissioners were of some help, but my guess is that they were busy doing a ribbon cutting at an area pet boutique or picking up their paychecks.
Go for it, Northface Development.
You probably have the vision that has been sorely missed in our county.
Coal is gone. Most manufacturing is gone. You may be the start of the kind of diversity we are in desperate need of. We have an abundant workforce, plenty of land, and access to major routes of transportation and railroads.
I often wondered why Lowe's and super Walmart did not locate on that tract.
We can always have an abundance of small businesses and family farms in the county, but it is time to step up. Put the pedal to the metal!
John Ferguson
Towamensing Township