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Published August 22. 2015 09:00AM


What does Armageddon mean? It means destruction.

Our czar and his henchman John Kerry have made a deal with the devil. Kerry has done a far worse agreement than his gullible mentor, Neville Chamberlain. The consequences of this agreement will be far worse. Iran is the most destructive state in the world.

Iran has not honored past agreements, they have sworn the destruction of Israel and the Great Satan (The USA) and would use nuclear weapons at anytime on those who disagree with their hair triggered radical views.

The deal of which Obama is so proud has the great probability of driving our world into the stone age. Iran is not alone in this debacle. With Iran is Russian, China, Syria and others (like Mexico and many of the South American countries) who look forward to the demise of our disjointed country.

Just a few bombs in this country will destroy us. Think of what the destruction of the World Trade Center did in New York. The disruption and chaos was frightening. Now think of this kind of destruction in every major city. Our electricity and ability to communicate will be lost.

There will be no cooking of food, no simple amenities life refrigeration, or even simple, everyday toothbrushes, things like toothpaste and toilet paper. No ammunition to fight back.

Suddenly, the Mexican invasion becomes inconsequential and only survival of the fittest is important. There will be one thousand years of peace, as Nostradamus had predicted. Of course the reason is not because humans can get along. It will be because those remaining on earth will be few and far between with no way to communicate to each other. We will go from Whoville to Armageddon.

Congratulations, DNC, you have provided the means to peace? You have led us on a pathway which goes through the road to perdition.

Our constitution limits the power of the federal government. However the federal government constitutionally has the duty to protect the citizens of our country which includes the obvious -— maintaining and protecting the borders of the nation. There are those who think that is foolish and many, many others who have fallen for their propaganda as well.

Adios, amigos, and good luck, comrades!

Walt Fagan

Jim Thorpe

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