More than a holiday
More than a holiday
To The Editor,
Recently I tried to buy some Christmas cards that were sacred in nature.
“Good Luck!” I was told by many store owners. It seems that I must go to a “religious” store to find them. Couldn’t find any pictures of Jesus or Mary on Christmas stamps either, and have Christians noticed that most of our carols are secular also?
None of this surprised me since a powerful force seeks to exterminate any vestige of Christian sentiment in our rapidly deteriorating secular society. Also, Christians do Jesus no good by saying “happy holidays” instead of alluding to Christmas. The birth of the Savior of the Universe must not be referred to as a holiday!
One problem is that many churches do not encourage congregants to read and study the holy Scriptures where all knowledge of God and his glorious son is to be found.
Bible study is a lifetime study, and to the believer the most thrilling, uplifting, comforting book you will ever find. Forget your superficial books of today. Christians who genuinely love Christ must call for an end of this bigotry and prejudice toward the Savior of All.
Write letters, start petitions, hound the media until we defeat this insidious force trying to destroy our faith.
Merry Christmas
Verne P. Urbano