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'Eat more squirrel,' and other resolutions

Published January 03. 2015 09:00AM

Happy New Year!

I hope you all have enjoyed the holidays as much as I have.

After indulging on all of the good holiday food over the past couple of weeks no doubt many of us will be making some New Year's resolutions to exercise more and eat less in order to lose that extra fluff around our middles.

Others may resolve to spend their time or their money more wisely or to break free from some nasty habit.

I myself shy away from making any sort of resolution each year simply because I am prone to fail in keeping it.

Nonetheless, I enjoy hearing what others hope to accomplish and decided to search the World Wide Web to see what interesting resolutions folks have across the globe.

Here's a list of resolutions that caught my attention.

"Eat more squirrel." On writer Elka Karl wrote "Forget apple pie: Squirrel may win the title as the most American of dishes," noting that it "sustained this country's earliest settlers and was commonly found on 19th century menus of the grandest of hotels."

I think I will pass on that one.

"See more sunrises." As a photographer I like that one, but I am not a morning person so that probably won't happen for me.

"Remove toxic people from my life." This one I saw several times on Twitter.

I think an even better one would be "Do not be the toxic person in someone's life."

"Don't dwell on the past anymore." I think we all could work on that one.

"Compliment strangers, because you never know what's going on in someone's life." Compliment your mother too.

"Keep saying 'swag' until local middle-schoolers respect me." Presumably from a teacher. A noble aspiration, good sir.

"Stop getting undressed at parties." Yeah, that's probably a good idea.

"To be more philanthropic." With the sheer number or those struggling right now, we need more resolutions like this.

"More face-to-face time, less face-to-screen time." Oh, here, here!!

"To be less psycho; but who knows if that will ever happen." For everyone's sake, let's hope it does!

"To try one new food each week." Now there's a resolution I can really sink my teeth into! Only I would need to modify it to one "healthy" new food each week. Hmmm, now the idea seems much less appetizing.

"Don't say 'maybe' when you wanna say 'no.' Oooh, good one!

"To lose 15 pounds by editing my Instagram selfies." Why didn't I think of that?

"One book per month regardless of work load. More knowledge, less time for BS things and people." An excellent idea. Knowledge is power after all.

"Take more naps." Ahh, the sheer decadence of even the thought of more naps.

"Phasing out social media." Is there a 12-step program for that?

"To tweet more about mermaids." Ummm, OK.

"Academic dedication." Every parent's dream.

And perhaps my favorite:

"My new year's resolution is my old year's resolution, which I didn't do."

Whether you make an official New Year's resolution or not, I think if we all just love each other a whole lot more and complain and fight a whole lot less, the world will shine a little brighter in 2015.

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