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There are still helpful people

Published January 31. 2015 09:01AM

Dear Editor,

Last week late at night, my car stopped dead near the top of the mountain, just below The Summit Restaurant.

I had all my lights on, including the red flashing ones. Until two women stopped to help me, cars were racing past me; I was terrified.

One lady stood behind my car, trying to get people to move over and slow down. The other lady started my car, and then drove me to the restaurant up further.

I had called my grandson and had to wait for him. These women stopped to help a stranger, endangering their lives, and I wish I had their names and addresses to show them how much I appreciated their caring and help.

There are still wonderful, helpful people out there; God bless you both, I will never forget you.


Roberta Behrmann,

New Ringgold

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