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What happens after death?

Published February 14. 2015 09:00AM

My cousin Ruth Ann shared an article this week that was quite exciting and offers hope that science will finally catch up with metaphysics and offer proof that our consciousness is not a manifestation of our physical existence and may precede and follow our lives here on Earth.

In other words from a scientific perspective our consciousness is independent of our physical existence. This is an exciting theory and its major proponent is a scientist named Robert Lanza.

The article that inspired this week's column is called "Quantum Theory Proves That Consciousness Moves to Another Universe After Death" and can be found on the website

While I'm not in total lockstep agreement with everything in the article, I think it makes some excellent points that could explain not only our souls, but also phenomena like ghosts, astral travel and out-of-body experiences.

There is much anecdotal evidence for these phenomena, but because there has been no method for providing empirical proof, most scientists just scoff and ignore these accounts.

Most scientists scoff at any theory which is not readily provable in a laboratory setting and are not even willing to discuss possible ways to prove the theory, so they ignore such important questions like "Do we have souls," "What happens at death," and "What Happens After Death?"

Their excuse is that if they cannot quantify it or worse if it cannot be re-created in a lab, then it is not real. In my opinion it is arrogant to just discount an experiment or a theory because it isn't easily provable in a lab setting.Not everything can be proven in a laboratory.

Science is important, and in most fields laboratory research is paramount to proving or disproving facts and theories about the physical world.

While our bodies and their physical functions are easily testable, the consciousness and spiritual components of our bodies are not. We have no idea how to define them in ways that have measurable metrics nor how to test for their existence or lack of one. Lanza sets this whole paradigm of the physical world being the center of the universe on its head by proposing the theory of "biocentrism."

Lanza's theory of biocentrism in simple terms states that the physical world does not define life and life does not revolve around physical explanations for the universe.Instead our biological foundation and our consciousness defines the physical world around us.In other words, our consciousnesses are the central pillar of the universe and our thoughts and beliefs shape the physical world around us.

His book "Biocentrism: How Life and Consciousness Are the Keys to Understanding the Nature ofthe Universe" goes into great detail about biocentrism and how we are the foundation of our views of the universe.The article I mentioned earlier which was published last August theorizes that we are not tied to our physical bodies as tightly as we think.

He writes that death is an illusion.We create it as part of our reality because our minds tie our physical bodies to the world so tightly that to us, the loss of our bodies is also the end of life. But Lanza says this is not necessarily so.

He believes that our consciousness is really part of the fabric of our universe, of existence itself and that it is outside of our perceptions of time and space.Time and space are merely physical limitations we impose on ourselves to explain the physical world, but our souls or consciousness exists outside of the constraints of time and space.Therefore when we die, our bodies no longer able to support our souls on the physical plane, but we don't end. Instead our consciousness joins the fabric of the energies in the universe and continues to exist beyond the physical universe but is still a part of it.

This offers a great deal of support to other paranormal phenomena like ghosts, astral travel and out-of-body experiences.Perhaps some ghostly encounters are not physically occurring in the world, but our experience is the result of a free energy consciousness intermingling with the perceptive centers of our brains casting a fully sensed hallucination of a ghost.After all, neurobiologists have been able to stimulate full sensory illusions of physical phenomena just by stimulating neurons in the brain.If that is possible, why it is so far-fetched to believe a free consciousness could not do something similar?

Lanza discusses our consciousness moving to other parallel universes or planes after death.Keep in mind quantum physicists are not even disputing that there could be many universes existing in other planes or dimensions.In fact the parallel universe theory believes each universe exists in a 3-D membrane that mostly stays separate from other universes.Every so often, though, these universes may touch or make contact with each other. The article suggests this is the "reset" button and could create another "big bang." Perhaps this contact is not so destructive. What if it creates a ghost in its companion plane by casting the physical nature of the first plane on the second?

What if the out-of-body experience which occurs when people find their consciousness temporarily outside their physical body looking in is related to this? Many describe themselves as floating above their bodies and able to see and describe the scene around them. If our consciousness truly is not dependent on the physical nature of our bodies, then perhaps this is a trivial experience for a trained consciousness or one exposed to an extreme shock or trauma.Of course because the body can still function, it eventually returns, creating the OOBE sensation.

I have not yet read the book, but this article really intrigues me. What do you think? Please write me at and let me know your thoughts.I look forward to hearing from you.

Till next time …

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