Never too much chocolate
They say you can never have too much of a good thing.
One of the hardest things children, and some adults, learn is restraint when it comes to sweets.
I finally learned that one in my 30s when I ate too many jelly beans. Yes, the only thing the late President Ronald Reagan and I have in common is our love of jelly beans.
Move over Peeps, I need to get to the jelly beans.
My favorite is lemon. I love purple too. Green is my least favorite, but I won't turn them down.
I always buy the spiced ones and it doesn't matter what brand they are.
I don't go shopping for wrapping paper on the day after Christmas, but I do hit the stores on the day after Easter in search of half-price jelly beans. Then I hide them in drawers for an unexpected surprise when I uncover them later.
Anyway, back in those days I kept a bag or two of jelly beans in my desk drawer. You never know when you're going to need a morning pick-me-up or something sweet to wash away the taste of your healthy lunch.
A bean here and there and before I knew it they were gone. And my stomach ached so much that I could hardly walk.
It went away by the next day and I lived to eat another bag. And many more after that.
Thank goodness it didn't go the way of the Peppermint Schnapps that I consumed the night before my journalism final in my senior year of college.
I have two other addictions that I'm willing to admit: Lipton Tea and chocolate.
Dark chocolate is my favorite but I never met a milk chocolate I didn't like.
Last weekend our church had a ladies chocolate festival and suddenly I became everyone's friend. No one turned me down to go.
We sampled a few entrées and 14 desserts, all with some form of chocolate.
The first was Macaroni and Cheese.
Weird, you say? Just like I say to my husband, keep an open mind.
This mac and cheese recipe called for bacon or chorizo sausage. Chocolate shavings were melted on top.
At first bite, I just wasn't sure.
When you're used to a common food such as macaroni and cheese, and it has a different flavor, you need a moment.
By the second bite, I was in.
Chocolate is creamy, cheese is creamy and the salt of the bacon won me over.
Did I mention that I can't live without chocolate-covered pretzels? Same principle.
One year they served chocolate-covered bacon hors d'oeuvres at the ladies event. That was a waste of good chocolate if you ask me.
This mac and cheese concoction was served in a dessert cup so the third and fourth bites left me wanting more.
Up next was the Dr. Pepper chocolate chili. It was fine, but the macaroni and cheese was the gold standard so far.
If you thought the mac and cheese sounded good, the warm caramel chocolate bread pudding would make your heart sing.
Loaded with things I shouldn't eat bread and heavy cream it just melted in my mouth.
More desserts followed: Sensational Black and White (layers of dark chocolate and white chocolate mousse), Peanut Butter and Jelly Tandy Bites, Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Bars, White Chocolate Strawberry Blondies, Chocolate Caramel Candy Bar Chews with four kinds of sweeteners, Rich and Fudgy Black Bean Brownies (I'll keep my chocolate and legumes separate, thank you), Sweet Potato Chocolate Chip Cookies (ditto for the sweet potatoes), Salted Chocolate Caramel Ritz with Rolos, White Chocolate Limone Truffles (incredible), gluten free Peanut Butter Chocolate Cookies, Oreo Peppermint Crunch Cookies and Cookies and Cream Popcorn.
Everyone at the table dug in. Some ate a tiny bite of each creation.
Others, like me, ate one whole piece at a time before moving on.
The orange dark chocolate truffle was reserved for last because I just knew it was going to be my favorite.
Halfway through the dessert plate I got that "feeling." Yup, it was the "I ate too many jelly beans" feeling.
I sat staring at the truffle proudly sitting in the center of my plate like the crown I would never attain.
I picked up my fork and tried again.
I was able to take just one more bite.
Lucky for me, they gave us bags to take the rest home.
Unlucky for me, my husband was waiting at the door when I got there.