Observations about Carbon County
Dear Editor,
I would like to make observations about the commissioners race in Carbon County. A lot of hearsay is out there.
First, the current commissioners are being faulted for running as a three-man team. After the last race when the state Republican Party targeted Mr. O'Gurek's credibility, it made for a rough working atmosphere for these three men. A Republican judge ruled in favor of appointing O'Gurek to fill the third commissioner slot. There was nothing illegal.
I personally contacted all three and told them the residents didn't hope they'd put their differences aside, but rather we expected it. I kept checking with them to make sure they were doing just that. I now consider them friends and really felt I was listened to (especially by "Tom" Gerhard and "Bill" O'Gurek).
I feel these men now work much better together. So I prefer to say they are working as a team, not running as one! Isn't that what they are elected to do? It's refreshing to see Democrats and Republicans working together for the people. I am also impressed with newcomer Rocky Ahner for expressing his willingness to work across the aisle for the benefit of Carbon County.
Second, some candidates are distorting the Packerton Yards story to further their own agenda. Saying grant money is being given back and not used for other county benefits is wrong. If it is not used for the purpose given, it must be returned. I am tired of vilifying Mr. O'Gurek and Mr. Getz about it. They were doing their job to boost the local economy. It didn't work out for a variety of reasons, and yes, our current commissioners made some mistakes. All these men are human and their intentions were good! I think it is worse that some candidates are trying to belittle these men to get elected.
Lastly, I am happy to see the new fire training center being pursued by our commissioners. Again, some candidates are distorting this topic for their own agenda. The Carbon County volunteer firefighters work very hard and spend many hours away from their families to train and better serve our county. Remember the recent huge forest fire in East Penn where all our firefighters did a superb job!
All the commissioners want from the communities involved is a letter of support so they can apply for grants, and no money is being asked for. Controversy of its location has arisen. Since the county owns land by the existing comm. center, it makes sense to build there. Let's face it, it can't be built in every district. It's for all the fire companies to benefit. Let's help our firefighters do their jobs together as they did on the Blue Mountain.
Please do your homework for the election before voting. Don't go on hearsay, fliers, signs, etc. Study up on your candidates and make sure what they stand for.
Betty Wolfe
Franklin Township