Cemetery is not a dumping ground
Dear Editor:
Our dedicated board of volunteer directors have been working tirelessly to restore and return the GAR Cemetery in Summit Hill back to a presentable condition. We are proud that for the most part we have accomplished our goal thanks to the donations of many area and out-of-area supporters, and we thank you.
Not everyone is supportive of this goal, however. We repeatedly have to deal with garbage abandoned by disrespectful dumpers in our cemetery, a consecrated ground that is being defiled by these people. We have repeatedly posted signs and reminded people there is no dumping on our grounds. The GAR cemetery is not a landfill for your rubbish.
The latest dumping though is the worst. Someone left almost one dozen trashed televisions and electrical devices dumped at the edge of the graves in our cemetery in plain view. This is serving as our only notice to those of you who cannot tell the difference between a dump and a cemetery. We are putting any dumpers on notice that if you dump you are trespassing, and we will demand prosecution by the Summit Hill Police for dumping, trespassing and defiling a cemetery and any other applicable charges. We will catch you on videotape, so be aware that if you enter the cemetery you may be filmed and or observed by us or friends of the cemetery, and that information will be provided to the police.
On behalf of our board, I'm offering a $500 reward for the name of anyone who dumps on our grounds contingent upon their successful prosecution, especially the source of these televisions. Please notify the Summit Hill Police at 570-645-7429.
Our cemetery is a place of rest for thousands of loved ones and a place of solace for thousands more to visit. This behavior is disgusting and it will come to an end. We will find you and we will prosecute you to the fullest extent of the law.
Best regards,
David A. Wargo
President, GAR Cemetery Board