Sunday morning is time for church
Dear Editor,
The Times News is flooded with stories of drugs and all types of crimes that are creating a dilemma for the courts and the prison systems.
We have professional people in our schools and justice systems who deal with problem individuals.
Yet, there seems to be no slowing down the vicious cycle! While pondering this, my mind goes back to my childhood days when on a Sunday morning, whether we lived in a small town or out in the country, we always heard church bells ringing on a Sunday morning! While walking or driving to church we thought it odd if we saw someone mowing their lawn on a Sunday, and would ask our mother, "Don't they go to church?"
Coming back to reality, I am looking for church bells on the new churches around the area. Odd, but they are absent!
I know of a church that has an old bell in the boiler room! Are we afraid to offend someone by ringing the bell on a Sunday? Is politically wrong to ring a bell on a Sunday for fear of offending someone? Also, drive around and look at the marquees in front of some area churches.
They advertise bake sales, homemade filling, bingo, etc. I don't see those posting dates for prayer meetings or Bible studies or the like.
Also, do we need youth sports on a Sunday? Are we doing a good thing by holding a walk or run fundraiser on a Sunday morning? Wake up, Christians; fulfill your calling and just maybe we could make a dent in the crime if we would take our children to Sunday school and church. Think about it, then pray about it!
Richard M. Gross